
Does proactive really work as well as people say it does?

by Guest59148  |  earlier

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ive heard alot of great things about proactive but the thing that worries me is that my skin dries very easily and i want to know if proactive is good or if it is going to make my face peal




  1. My couzin tried itand she said it work but you have to keep

    on using it forever!!! Or they will just come back!  

  2. no IT DOES NOT

    it is very helpful it helped me

  3. I've been using it 4 about a week and a half and i have noticed dramatic changes in my acne...ur face well peel of if u use toooo  much medication,  in that occasion use less.  im getting less and less pimples everytime!!! use the refining mask!  i love it!!!  i hope i get clear skin before skool starts!!!    buy proactiv u wont regret it!!!  :)

  4. Most acne medicine will dry out your skin. Its very important to get a good moisturizer. My Dr. recommended "Cetaphil" for my brother when he started his acne medication. You should apply moisturizer morning and night and 2 times during the day.

    Id also just like to add that ProActive did not work for either my brother or sister. If you have health insurance go see your doctor, they can prescribe you something such as Tretinoin and you shouldnt have to go to a dermatologist.

  5. I have proactive and it works pretty well. It does dry your skin but if you use a moisturizer it helps!

  6. i'm big fan of fitness board. young lady said she used proactiv for acne i saw her pics felt very sorry for her! her face was in really bad shape. i'd be very skeptical!

  7. When I used proactiv, I actually thought it made my skin a little bit more oily.  I am the biggest fan of the product and stand behind it 100% but choose to only use the face wash.  For some reason the toner and lotion made my skin a little more shiny and more prone to grease which I hated.  I found the perfect balance of just using the face wash and it's worked wonders.  I would try the entire three step process and see what you think.  You can also add a little more moisturizer or different things and play around until you find the correct amount of each to use that is best for your skin.

  8. Proactiv is a tough one.  It really depends on the person and their own skin.  Some people love it and it works wonders for them, but then it makes others worse.  I tried it myself and it worked for a while, but then after a month or so, it just stopped working! i asked my dermatologist about it and he said that a lot of people experience this with Proactiv, and it's also over-priced!  I would say try it, and if it deosnt work, look for something else.  The only way to know if it will work for you is to try it! hope this helps ^^

  9. it works for some, but i know it didnt work at all for my brother. especially if you have dry skin, it can cause peeling. i'd talk to a dermatologist about alternatives-- there's one with a pill/cream combo that works for my brother

  10. With a house that has seen many teenagers I have to say yes. Each reacted differently. But my oldest girl had it the worst. She cleared up in 2 weeks. The youngest did OK but not the miracle cure but kept it under control. My complaint (yes I use it also) is that it makes the skin dry. So use the moisturizerer as well, even if you think you don't need it. Watch out for stains on some clothes, towels etc. But I have nothing but good things to say about the product.  

  11. My mom and sister have used it for about 7 years and they love it

  12. yes!

    its really good

    and it works really good

    i bought it 2 weeks ago and i already see a change

    and no it doesnt make ur face peal there is a very good moisturizer that comes with it!

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