
Does proactive work ??

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i was just wondering should i get proactive or neutrogena i have really small pimple but like all over my forehead and chin rite now ?




  1. I used proactive for 3 months.. & it did not work for me. I know alot of people who used it and it cleared up there skin amazingly. Most of the time it just depends on your skin type. My acne isn't horrible, but it's bad enough. I have whiteheads all over my forehead and chin and blackheads on on my nose. Proactive is meant for people who have extreme acne probslems. So for me it aggrivated my skin and I peeled. So if you have really bad acne then go for it but if your skin is like how I described I have advice;

    I started getting acne when I was 12. I am now 14 & ever since then I've pretty much tried everything! Seriously, take it from me, do not make my mistake, By trying everything there is, I was pretty much self inflicting my own acne. By drying my face out over and over again my skin naturally started over producing oil to try to hyderate my skin. Wich caused it to get worse and worse. But I have found something that works.. at leaast for me, & I highly recomend you try it..

    I wash with a Basis bar (they have them at rosaurs only) and a really hydrating lotion twice a day. This will improve your face so amazingly! But it will probably take a couple months. Because your skin has to adjust to the hydration, it might seem like it's getting worse for a month or two, but trust me! in the long run you will be verry pleased! But just this alone wont cure your acne, you will still get a breakout here and there, so you'll need to go to a regular doctor and request a trial of tetracycline. this is an oral drug that will kill the bacteria that is ONE of the things that causes a zit.

    I've been doing this for about 4 months now and the results are amazing. Remember your face has to be hydrated in order to be clear. Even if your skin does not apear dry.. it most likely is if there is acne.. because your body is attempting to self hydrate, but you won't allow it to unless you stop strippind it of essenual oils.

    & it helps to wear minimal make-up. But if you do, use mineral make-up.. it doesn't clog so mane pores.

  2. i don't trust proactive. people told me that it don't work. i saw this one kid at my school who use proactive and his whole face start peeling. it was nasty. i would go with neutrogena skin id. you can take a test and they give you the right product. i always stick with neutrogena.

  3. I used to have HORRIBLE acne, and knew a lot of people that used Proactiv, some with great results, some without. I think it's just one of those things you have to try for yourself.

    I have nothing but wonderful things to say about my experience with Proactiv. It makes my skin very soft, and have clear skin now.  

  4. Proactiv has an 85% success rate but i've only heard bad things about it, except the commercials on TV. Benzoyl Peroxide is a skin irritant, and my skin is allergic to it and it makes it even worse. I wouldn't try it if you have sensitive skin
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