
Does prozac really work? Is it truly a feel-good pill or just a bunch of hype?

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A friend of mine is going through a hard time and just got a prescription for prozac. Does it really work? I think she should try a support group, not medication, but I won't judge.




  1. prozac don't always work. it varies on different people and often times varies by age.  

  2. Anti-depressants can work for some people.  Prozac has side effects such as insomnia, anxiety, weight gain, and others, but sometimes people get used to the side effects or they lessen over time.  It's been around for over 20 years, so it must help some people.  But for me, the side effects are not worth it.

  3. it should work as it contains seratonin (the happy chemical)

    i dont think i spelt it right

    but yeah it should

    though sometimes a lack of seratonin isnt the reason people get depressed

  4. Such medication is a tool not a cure and should be combined with therapy. Often therapy alone is not enough. Often ones problems are caused by chemical imbalances therefore meds are needed. Prozac works well for some and not for others. it depends on the person. There are many such meds available. and you are right, you should not judge.

  5. well it works on everyone differently for me it didn't work at all.

  6. I am currently taking Prozac. I only started a couple weeks ago, but I actually have noticed some of my symptoms of depression have gone away. I am now exercising and spending time outside every day, instead of just sitting there watching t.v. or sleeping.

    I am also not stress-eating as much as I previously was.

    There was some insomnia at first, but it's already getting better.

    By the way, Prozac actually helps many people lose weight, instead of gaining. It's also good for treating ADD, OCDs, Bulimia, and PMDD.

    There have been hardly any side-affects for me; the benefits seem to out-weigh them.

    Some people just need to talk about their problems to get through it, others may need medication. It all depends on the severity of their condition and their coping skills. Also many people actually have a chemical imbalance in their brain which makes it nearly impossible to fix things without medication.

    Your friend should see how it works for her. If she doesn't like it, she can switch to something else or stop completely. If she has psychological issues, it is definitely worth a try.

  7. prozac really does work...however,it has many side-effects...and takes quite long to see results!

    I would recommend an herb that has a similar effect as prozac, but with much less side-effects...its a natural anti-depressant. it will, however, take the same amount of time to function, just like a normal anti-depressant. The herb is St.John's wort. It comes in both tablets forms and a liquid. both are equally effective. Its' effectiveness has been proven by many studies and lots of research!!

    I reckon your friend should do both. start the support group and then start taking the herb i told you about!

    hope she feels well soon!

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