there has never been a genetically prediposed chemical imbalance that causes deprssion or acute mania. it has never been proven in any way whatsoever nor is there any evidence that bipolar symtoms are genetically handed down, it's all BS
Mst people have family memebers with diagnsosed or non-diagnosed mood phenomenas and if they don't the shrink will just say well it's not completley genetic OR the gene or genes is/are dormant and needs certain enviromental factors to emerge
in other cultures shamans, mystics, sages all go through these spiritual type emergencys and have very bi-polar type symptoms as thier ego is thrown about
is bi-polar really spiritual emergence of souls that are too bright to be confined to this phony egoic culture?
what potion of modern western psychiatry even is open to the possibility of spiritual awarness or enlightment,,is that just hokus pokus to them?