
Does puberty and fast hand growth affect piano skills?

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I am going through puberty, and I am experiencing a very fast hand growth. I am fine with almost everything. My hands are stretching amazingly far, I can make 11th chords with my thumb and last three fingers and 10th chord with my thumb and index finger. But I can't get good at arpeggios. Quite a few times a week I was sitting at the piano doing arpeggios for hours but my sister who doesn't practice >.< is better than I am.

I was wondering if I should be worried about it because my piano teacher has been yelling at me for not practicing (?) arpeggios enough.




  1. No it will just take time to get use to the change so you will have to practice more since you are changing a bit but that is all

  2. absolutely normal. As your hand gets larger, you&#039;ll have to retrain scales and arpegios. I didn&#039;t play for 2 weeks, and suddenly I was reaching 3 extra notes and sounded like an idiot. Just practice, and it will get better. Good luck!

  3. You&#039;re able to plays notes spaced in larger intervals - which allows for larger chords. Other than that in makes no difference.

  4. The growth should not affect you in any way. What ???? are your hands growing at the speed of light from one day to the next ?

    If you practice daily or whatever, you will never notice the growth of your hand since they adapt instantly  as time passe.

    I have big hands and long fingers and I never noticed any difference growing up and playing the guitar and piano.

    As for arpeggios, if you don&#039;t practice them, that is the reason you have problems playing them.

    Arpeggios on the guitar is the same thing but harder to play than on piano. We have one hand to do 10 notes arpeggios whereas , on the piano , you have 10 fingers, two hands.

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