
Does punching while hold weights help?

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Someone once told me it makes you punch faster AND stronger.

I do not have much of a problem with speed, but I honestly have a problem with power.

Do you have any other suggestions, if that does not work.

Could anyone give me a brief outline to giving a good jab?

I know, one question only, but I am really curious as to way you are supposed to jab, by the book.




  1. They make and manufacture weighted gloves for just such reason.  No different than ankle weights except for your hands dude.  A good jab consists of your jab hand foot forward ( opposite of your writing hand always ) and your heal slightly raised on on the foot behind you.  Push off with the toes on the foot behind you as you throw your jab at the exact same time dude. Always push off every time you throw that jab.  Slowly work up your speed on your jab and now you have the basics down on the jab dude.  The jab hand is always opposite of your writing hand.  Practicing on the Heavy Bag is everything when it cmes to building up power behind a "solid jab" and I mean many, many, many, many hours of throwing your jab into the heavy bag as well.  In a few weeks you'll see and feel the difference.

    Good luck dude.

  2. It won't make you punch stronger, you will just risk injuring yourself.

  3. Yes it does. Punching with weights adds resistance to your punches therefore when you are punching with them your punch is real slow and you may get fatigue quicker than usual. However done over a certain period of time correctly, you will notice a tremendous increase in your punching speed and even power. When you punch it doesn't always have to be about power, though it helps. Focus more on your form and work on the speed of your punches and worry about power later. Speed does equal power. But try starting out with light weights usually 1 or 2lb dumbells so that your muscles can adapt to the weight before you decide to increase the weight increments by however. I reccommend that you don't go over 5lb dumbells though. Hope this helped.

  4. now punching with wheights can help u with power but wach out and make sure ur preforming the punches right im not sure if i can relly help with speed if it does just a little

    and the jab i got this info read it and u'll get a great jab its a bit long

    To perfect this punch and improve your form, you must begin to practice your jabs from a solid boxing stance. Once set, begin throwing your jab; standing in place. Throughout the entire punch maintain balance and control; don't wind up or lift your elbow.

    Your jab should 'snap' as it accelerates, hits your target (heavy bag or target mitts) and recovers. You should feel as though you almost pull the punch. As quick as you snap the jab to the target, quickly bring it back to the on guard position.

    Now that you've worked on proper range and 'snapping' your jab from a static position, add some footwork and rhythm to your jabs. Step into your jab going forward and back and side-to-side. Shoot the jab as your left foot (or right foot if you are a southpaw) lands. Concentrate on making sure you punch and get out. Increase your hand speed by throwing double and triple jabs (2 or 3 jabs consecutively). Focus on speed and accuracy; leave power for a later session.

    At all times when working your jab, remember to keep your opposite (free) hand up high in the guard position. Protect yourself at all times.

    Aim your jabs head high in the middle to top third of the bag. The bag should swing slightly away from you without spinning. If the bag begins to spin too much this means you are pushing your punches. Remember to snap, snap, snap!

    Try a few rounds on the Heavy Bag, just throwing the left jabs. Keep moving in all directions.

    vote me best answer hope this helped

  5. Yes they will help with both power and speed...but they should only be 1 or 2 pound hand weights.

  6. I don't know anything about boxing but I do have an interest in working out so maybe this will help a little. People say it takes more energy to swing and miss than to actually hit someone/something. So when you are practicing your punches or jabs (if you are not practicing on a punching bag etc.) it's already taking a lot of energy to not hit anything, let alone having a weight in your hands. It would make your arms feel a lot heavier and it would possibly hurt. It might not have a good effect on your arms. As for tips on giving a good jab, like I said I don't know anything about boxing (sorry!) but my advice would be to just keep practicing on a punching bag and pay attention to your form. Good luck!

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