
Does puting weights on your feet while you run effect your growth?

by Guest63493  |  earlier

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does puting weights on your feet while you run effect your growth

if your 16




  1. yeah it does...dont do that until you have reached your total height..

  2. Doesn't affect your growth.For the guy who made the comment about gymnasts, you're stupid and ignorant.

    1. A theory of why gymnasts are short is due to all the constant heavy impacts of their joints get from landing (mainly from using the floor).

    2 gymnasts are generally short because their center of gravity is closer to the ground meaning they can do flips/tumbles and all sorts of tricks more effectively then tall people.

  3. depending on how old you are yes. if you havnt stopped growing then it will. thats why gymnasts are so short. working out young really effects your growth plates. exp if your 16... smoking to....and having weights on your ankles messes up your knees. its the worst thing a young person can do for their knees.

  4. no. it just builds muscle in your ankles and legs

  5. no thats stupid why would it do that

  6. Isn't that supposed to be dangerous? Running is already quite hard on your joints and ankles whereby wouldn't that make it even worse with possible injuries?

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