
Does putting in the 8 ball first mean you automatically win?

by  |  earlier

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So when you first start off a game of pool, and you break it... (or whatever you call it), and the 8 ball happens to go in first, does that mean you automatically win?

That's what someone told me when I did it by chance... but my opponent doesn't believe it.





  1. Yes it is an automatic win (assuming you didn't sink the cue ball as well).

  2. YES. no if's, but's, can's or maybe's its a yes.


    If the 8-ball is pocketed on the break, breaker may ask for a re-rack or have the 8-ball spotted and continue shooting. If the breaker scratches while pocketing the 8-ball on the break, the incoming player has the option of a re-rack or having the 8-ball spotted and begin shooting with ball in hand behind the head string.

  4. I don't play in any kind of sanctioned tournaments but I do play a lot for money in bars and the general interpretation is that if you make the 8ball on the break you win.

  5. no i think it means u automatically LOOSE

  6. Ummm.... you loose. it is unfortunate but the rules!

  7. See all the different opinions that arise from those effin' bar rules?   The real rules, as already stated, indicate a spot or a rerack.   Unfortunately, on coin-op bar boxes, the balls are captured so the spotting option isn't available without paying for another game.   In a bar I used to play at, you win if the 8-ball is the only ball that drops from the break shot; you lose if any other ball (cue ball or numbered ball) drops in addition to the 8-ball.   The relative order in which the balls drop doesn't matter.   When playing in a bar, it's best to get these things agreed upon before playing because most bangers have never actually read the rules and everyone has in mind their own interpretations of what they might be.   In my opinion, there shouldn't be an instant win/loss on the break...if the 8-ball drops on the break shot on a coin-op table, just pay the money to get the 8-ball back and employ the spot/rerack option.   That way, the incoming player at least gets to play a game after waiting an hour for his name to come up on the board.   Flip a coin to see who pays or decide beforehand what circumstances will dictate who pays to get the 8-ball back.

  8. All rules vary and you should decide on the rules before playing, but if you are playing by the standardized rules then your opponent may call a rerack or spot the eight on the table.  I think you should win thats how I play but if your going by the real rules you lose.

  9. yes as long as the white ball does not go in aswell

  10. Well, I am not a pool player in real life but I do play online.  When you sink the 8 on the break in Yahoo, you lose.  When you sink it on the break in POGO, you win...

  11. Ok i am a pool shark i play many tournaments and play pool every day 8 ball is the last thing u want to put in on a standard game of pool

  12. BCA rules are the way to go.  Rerack or spot.

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