
Does putting the Vodka bottle in the fridge do anything to the quality?

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I sometimes place it the fridge, if I know I'm going to be drinking for a couple days to get it cold. Does this do anything to the alcohol percentage? Will it evaporate or something?




  1. nothing gets just tastes better

  2. I am not sure about vodka, but I still remember from my high school chemistry that water expands when it's frozen, meaning you bottle could crack. But I am not sure about vodka.

  3. Not at all - it's really just easier to work with since you'll have to put less ice in your drinks which means less watered down cocktails! =)

  4. No rookie. No, and No.

    Put the bottle in the freezer. Most vodka drinkers put their bottle (opened or unopened) there to keep it super cold and easy to drink. Only thing is that it gets thicker.

  5. It won't affect the alcohol content at all. All it will do it mask some of the flavors along with the "alcohol" taste and scent.

    If you're doing it for shots or mixing, I say go for it. If youre sipping your Vodka straight, leave it warm so you can get the full experience.

  6. Putting a bottle of vodka (assuming it isn't open) in a fridge doesn't do anything, except makes it cold.

    If you wish to taste a "Vodka Heaven", you need a bottle of good Grain Vodka and put it in a freezer. Than pour it in a small shot glass and drink...

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