
Does "Family Values" Mean Allowing your 17 Year Old Daughter to get Knocked Up out of Wedlock?

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Palin, Palin, Palin... What will the next bombshell be?




  1. i wonder if Sarah even knows the meaning of contraception? Judging that she has 5 children and her daughter is on her second i would say h**l NO

  2. You're really nieve aren't you?  Must not have ever had hormones or lied to your parents, ggeezz will you grow up, oh, sorry forgot it's in your leming nature to attack American families.

  3. thats a lie put out by the democrats

    havent you noticed no publicity at all? because obama is going crazy

  4. I guess to you family values means smearing a pregnant teen.  

  5. Well, I see that you have never done a thing in your life yet nor made any important decisions. She's 17 dude. I was in the Army when I was 17. This is a non-issue.

  6. Well, it's either that or being a closeted g*y.  That's about it for Republican s*x scandal.

  7. Of course. If it weren't for children there wouldn't be a family to value. No that's not right either. I mean a childless couple is still a family. Then there are those that consider their pets as children making them a family.

    Maybe she should have gotten herself a puppy instead.

  8. At least that baby will have a good long life with the Palin's.  B. Obama made it perfectly clear what he would do if his daughter was "afflicted" with pregnancy.  

  9. - Knocked up!

    - Who's there?

    - Palin

    - Palin who?

    - Palin comparison to the Democratic ticket

  10. The Repugs were so desperate for a candidate that Rove liked that they didn't vett her. One can only wait in delicious anticipation for more bombshells from this sportscaster bombshell.

  11. Does "Family Values" mean going to a church for 20 years listening to a supposed man of God yell "God D*mn America" ?

    Does "Family Values" mean that you work with a known and devout terrorist of the Weather Underground who brags about his bombing(s) and says he's not done enough to try to destroy the very country you supposedly love and want to lead?

    Does "Family Values" mean you have questionable financial dealings with Tony Rezko a convicted felon?

    Does "Family Values" mean that your wife who lives a "priviledged" life can openly state that for most of her life, she has been ashamed of this country?

    Does the man who is running for President know how many US States there are? After stating that he's been to 57 states and wants to visit the rest? Hmmm, is he wanting to be an American President or an Islamic one - considering that's supposedly the number of Islamic states...

  12. your question is only overshadowed by the ignorance of your mind.  

  13. Way to go their cheif...nothing says morally superior like attacking a child.

    Boy I hope Obama says something to this effect.   How many familes do you think have to deal with this exact same issue?   Palin IS with it.

  14. Family values has nothing to do with a 17 year old making a mistake. What family values are is one sick person making an issue out of it because she was a politicians daughter. You must not have any value to you at all.

  15. First off, let me say that I have never voted Republican and I am an Obama supporter. Secondly, no one "allows" their 17 year old to get pregnant. Were you a virgin at 17? If not, you could have gotten a girlfriend pregnant by accident. Anyone having s*x can get pregnant. Family values is sticking by your family in hard times.  

  16. s*x between a husband and his wife is the only form of sexual relations that God approves of (Hebrews 13:4).

    Palin, Palin, Palin... Your daughter is a bad Christian. What about you?

  17. What does "allowing" mean?  Does that mean you are with your teenagers 24/7?  I am sure a lot of parents would like to know your solution to this problem.  

  18. Your family values are non existent so stop looking down on others.  Every family knows of someone who has gone through an unwed pregnancy and it is a time to give them support and love.  

  19. No, it means taking responsibility for your family and their actions. I suppose your parents knew every time you did something you were not supposed to be doing?

  20. Yes. More banging !!!

  21. *cough*


  22. Well your argument is meaningless since the baby's father and her daughter plan to get married idiot. These attacks are the reason why America will not vote for Obama/Biden.

  23. I had a very strict up bringing and I was still able to sneak around. When the teenage condition and moral teachings cross paths- the moral teachings dont always win- that's a simple fact of life.

  24. It's not that her daughter is pregnant - that happens all the time and from what I have seen (just my opinion from my friends and such) more to those who are highly religious and preach abstinence and against birth control - so the kids avoid the embarrassment of even discussing it with their parents, can't be seen in a grocery store buying the stuff and get pregnant.

    In being that her family has this going on it shows her value system just does not work.

    Nothing against her daughter at all.  

  25. What a racist thing to say:

  26. "Family values" has nothing to do with support for families.  It is used by conservatives and fundamentalists as an excuse to denigrate g**s and lesbians.

    As other posters have pointed out, a lot of teenage girls get pregnant.  A compassionate and helpful response is called for.  At the same time, I have no use for holier-than-thou fundies and republicans who dictate morality to everyone else.

    Also, these same fundies and conservatives restrict teens' access to s*x and relationship education, as well as condoms.  Notice how their kids get pregnant anyway??????

  27. Just keep up these stupid attacks. You're are simply pushing feminists to vote for Palin because of such treatment of her. Somehow I don't think that's what you are hoping for.

  28. are you controlled by your parents?   I didnt think so

    do you know ANY TEENAGER who obeys their parents?  Get real, and grow up

    no it increases my vote

    mothers all over america have to deal with teen pregnancies

    it makes Palin very real. this is reality. A bunch of girls in high school had a pregnancy pact....think of all the mothers that have to deal with teenage girls...we all know teenagers do NOT obey their parents....Palin is a fantastic VP choice..she truly does have a REAL FAMILY not some fairy tale fantasy.

    this increases my vote for her.

  29. did you have s*x while you were a teenager? could have been you in the same means of birth control are one hundred realize this right..i say we leave the kid alone..doesnt affect the job she will do for our country..cause last time i checked she wasnt handing out s*x advice to teens..she is a real mom with a real family with real issues....what the country needs....

  30. I thought it didn't matter. We have the government to take care of everything, right.  

  31. Apparently the answer to your question is a sad yes.  This makes me wonder how good of a mother Sarah Palin really is.  Was she not around enough for her daughter?  Did her daughter get pregnant because she is starving for attention?  Did Sarah Palin fail to institute the core values into her daughter to avoid such a thing?  

    I think the next bombshell will be that she did abuse her power as governor!  Seriously, that whole scenario over firing that guy because he would not fire that trooper who turned out to be her brother-in-law going through a messy divorce with her sister is just a bit too coincidental!  She abused her power!

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