
Does "God" exist?

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And if he does, how do you know? Not just because it's in scripture or your parents taught you so. What leads you to believe in "God"? Based on logic or experience?




  1. The same as the Devil does.

    And there both in every bodys soul.

    We all know when we do good or wrong,its onley the choice  you made what makes the difference.Go we left or right,yes or no,ying and yang thats the balance of a good life.

    Who says that God is good & Satan bad,

    I never heard  Satan telling a lie & there was never war for Satan on the other side they make from the begin of life war in the name of God and even try to push people to make them believe.Because when i say,Church,Childeren,Abuse we all know  what i mean but when it happens comes the the devil up in everybody and keeps his mouth shut.You all now when you give of when you hurting.The nice part is that you  are youre own Judge,and thats the struggle of live

    Everybody wicks for the they act.

    We all togheter are connected & thats the one vibration&thinking  we called God.

    Live is a big dream from us all,and when last wo/man on earth stops dreaming.Then the dream is over.But when there is somebody or something that wants still to explore or even  a little dream had,we all go on!

    Keep Dreaming all!!

  2. There is no empirical evidence of God.  Only faith and faith the that the bible is telling the truth, the whole truth, so help you God.

    So, if you can muster up the faith, then God can exist for you.  How you use that power is up to you, however.  Some use it for good and others use it for evil.

    Personally, I choose to not believe in God and use my own brain and conscience to do what I believe is best for myself and my family.  Values can come from within and being atheist does not automatically equate morals derived from the devil.

  3. this is a tricky one...

    i was baptised and brought up as a roman catholic.. i went through the phase wer you ask yourself whether you believe because you actually believe god exists or because they brainwashed you.

    through loads of thinking and examining honestly.. I think God exists, just go out and look up at night and you'll feel soo small you'll realise there is something greater out there.

    just let yourself think, don't be afraid to go either way,

    but just ask yourself one simple question.. where does all this come from? hope this helps

    take care

  4. I don't believe in God.  There are just entirely too many signs pointing to the lack of any God; too many contradictions in the bible.

  5. Yes. All of them abode. All knowledge, whatever you know, comes from authority. Your parents are the first authority. If you don't know who your father is, your mother will tell you, who else knows better than her? Then scriptures. In the school there are scriptures and teacher are there to explain them. Reveal scriptures are meant to guide human to a proper direction. Then you practice, you can experience. And by logic, argument, common sense and some intelligence you come to the conclusion. You must use your intelligence. All these authorities must be genuine. In other words it must be some test by which you must surrender your trust.

  6. of course God exists.  How else? or who else would have the powers to form the universe?  How did we all get here?  God is the same person but people of different faiths called him by different names that is all.  But He is always the same God for everyone.:):)  Peace and Love always.

  7. Depends on which definition of God you mean. The theistic God - the omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent creator of the universe, cannot logically exist, because the attributes he's said to have are mutually incompatible, self-contradictory. He cannot logically exist, and so he does not, in fact, exist.

  8. I think God is a concept rather than an entity to be felt or experienced. The concept does make a lot of sense in terms of an eternal power, but not in terms of an entity that exists.

  9. You are going to have to decide that for yourself.  Personally, I  have found that seeing isn't believing, believing is seeing.  I opened up the Bible not really knowing if or what I believed -- try it!

  10. I know God exists through my own expirence.  It started with life seeming pointless because if God doesn't exist then there is no point to being good or bad (as we would call it) how we lived or how we died because it would all end up being forgotten anyway and if it was remembered what would be the point.  because there is no supreme moral law giver, but in the depths of my being there was something that told me that I was not correct in this manner.  through out history people have strived and created to believe in something larger than themselves, there has to be a reason for this.  Eventually when I started reasoning I found some better ways to articulate what I was thinking.  The book of ecclesiastes in the bible well articulated what I was thinking and feeling.  then I read a book called Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis I would highly reccomend this book to read.  It explains alot about reasoning and human behavior using reason.

    for the more scientific part of reasoning for the existance of God I found the book What's so Great about Christianity by Dinesh D'Souza, there is a science section that is very informative and fascinating.  the whole book is great.

    If reading is not your thing there is a whole bunch of subjects I started listening to by Dr. Phil Fernandes if you want to listen a good place to start is the section on Introduction to Apologetics.  I'll include the links.  you may be able to find a text of mere christianity online but I would highly reccomend buying the book.  I've read it a couple of times.

  11. Yes, God does exist.    I checked on Wikipedia to find out for sure, and it turns out God is omnipotent and omnipresent but not omniscient.

  12. if god exists or not depends on how you define god. if you think of god as a man sitting on a cloud, then he doesn't exist of course, but if you think of him as an universal lifeforce... the self... then 'he' exists.

  13. I am a Christian so I believe in God. How can we be made without Him?A miracle happened after praying to God to me.

    OF COURSE HE EXISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. You better believe GOD exist. Everybody GOD is different.

  15. Well, as a Christian, I do believe he exists. His presence seems to be everywhere to me. How do I know that? Well, I talk to him.

    And not in a crazy, deranged, 'this person needs mental help, skitzophrenic[did i spell that right?], kind of way. Through prayer. I thank him for what he has given me. And whenever I have a problem I tell him and ask him for guidance. And, you know what, I end up receiving that guidance I asked for.

    Even when I'm praying for something as simple as 'help me find my keys', he leads me to them, XD.

    There are also people with more supernatural stories, but my past experiences and troubles have given me all the evidence I need.

    It's hard to use logic, because Christianity is faith-based. You can't reason it completely.

  16. Look down at your own hand. . .there!  Your question just got answered.  

    If that's not a good enough explanation, then:

    "To those who believe. . .no explanation is necessary.

    To those who do not. . .no explanation is possible."

  17. You won't find anyone who can accurately tell you what "God" really means....many will just answer, "Of course!", but if you ask for a clear definition you won't get one.

    You will believe what you choose to's all a personal choice and issue.

    Some believe in a "God" figure sitting up in the sky somewhere on a throne.

    Some believe "God" is a term to use for a spiritual force in the universe.

    Some use a word besides "God", but it can mean the same as those who choose the word "God".

    Some believe "God" is in us...that we have the power in us to make our lives be what they are; while others claim this belief is satan-driven to get your mind off of God.

    Some claim to believe in God because they read about him in the bible.

    Some claim to believe just because they do.

    Some believe because that's what they were taught as children and never questioned it.

    Some believe just because they are afraid not to believe.

    Some claim to feel a "god-like" presence...and it could be real, or it could be their own some who claim to have seen a ghost, or get so tripped out emotionally that they really believe they saw or felt something.  Could have been real, or could be nothing at all.

    So....does a "God" exist?  You tell me.  They (whoever 'they' are) claim there was never a beginning (that's pretty mind-blowing)...and yet something had to start it all . . . and when you just consider life itself, especially how the human body that is not anything that "just happened" who or what developed our bodies?  

    It's a fascinating subject as far as I'm concerned.  What I don't like or appreciate is having people freak out when I do ask questions...they claim that I don't believe in "God" if I question...and I say that is total c**p!  We all have the right to question, and should question!  Asking does not say we don't believe in something.

    Some will try to make others 'believe' by laying guilt trips on me that is extremely cruel and abusive treatment of another person.

    Some believe in their "God" but yet fear whoever their "God" is...but on the other hand will tell you that God loves them...well, to me a loving God is not going to throw his or her child into a burning pit if they step out of line.  ???  

    When you find the real answer, let us know.

  18. a little bit of both I suppose, logic because I believe he is the creator and created the earth and the other belief of evalution doesn't make any sense when you get down to the nitty gritty, and experience because I talk to him and he talks to me, I know it's him because i will have a question and even before it comes out of my mouth in pops an answer.

  19. God does exist how do i know because i can see Him in all things The life force that permeates all beings that no-thing energy which is the base of all beings. That is God, another way for you to prove it to yourself go out and try to do something horribly wrong but do it as though God is following you the entire way.  That small voice inside you will tell you not to do it that voice is your true nature which is closer to God than anything in this world. And God works by his will, being omnipresent he is in all things as the consciousness, and energy. Knowing all things he is aware of all your needs and fills them according to his will, for God to exist he would have to know all things, What need is there to pray and ask for things he already knows you need, instead pray only to thank him for what he has given, what he will give and ask for wisdom to persevere through situations you may incur throughout your life.

  20. ...NO!!!

    ...NO, logic or experience, he doesn't exist...

  21. Why did you ask that?  You should believe in GOD!!  Because if he didn't existed you shouldn't be alive!!  GOD created you..  Don't ask that question..  GOD created everything!!  He created your parents your sisters or your brothers...

  22. I personally do believe in god, I have felt his presence. Of course to believe it also taker's Faith and giving faith is a very scary thing. People are scared of giving faith because they so want it to be true that when you die you go to a happy place and that there's someone up there always looking out for you. But people are scared that if they pursue religion and find out it isn't true they will be hurt so they go into a "I'll hurt them before they can hurt me" mentality. I just though I would add a bid of Psychology to the discussion.

  23. Listen if you want to find out if their is a God you have to go out and find him. It is not easy but the reward is what makes up for it.

  24. thats the great thing about religion. you can believe anything you want, and theres no hate between the religious groups. but i say that loosely.

  25. Do you think the heads at easter island were made humans or just by chance do think Mt. Rushmore was mad by man or chance with are iriducible complexity and  the codes in our body it is trillions of times more likely that stonehedge easter island heads and mt. rushmore all just quiensedense than that there is no god

  26. God exist in people's imagination because it is an imaginary being.

  27. I think people should stop worrying about if god is or isnt real and step into reallity and   stop praying for god to do something because its not ging to happen..if you should being praying to anyone pray to you parents they made you.

  28. God only exists in the believer.I myself are a little sceptical because there has been so many bad times in my life, but i say belief is not a bad thing if it makes you feel good about everything.then sobeit lol.

  29. No God exists Oh come on think radically be a skeptic and a rationalist! How can one believe that gods do exist! Humans never knew why they came to this world and they never know why the get out of this world. God is the one whom we want to give the responsibilities by saying that u were the one who has created this world and you are the one who must be responsible for something to happen! So GOD is nothing but merely a fictitious character! Hope ur satisfied with this ans. If not send me at!!!

  30. Honestly?

    As much as I sometimes wish that there is a reason for..well, everything and that it points to some greater being with big ideas for me...I know that its just impossible.

    I think people have to accept that everything is just chance, that there is no God. A lot of people hold on to him as a symbol of good so that they can in turn be good people. But if you need the idea of a fantastical being to nake you do the right thing its quite sad.

    Even if he does exist he's doing a terrible job. Look at the news.

    Well, thats just my personal opinion, hope it helped. I'm sure after asking sucha loaded question you'll be getting many answers, so you can decide the answer for yourself.

  31. Nope...This my logic a god that is perfect,  couldn't do anything wrong,  and is omnipotent, wouldn't make  a mess up world like this.  Because to say that God, who is perfect,  couldn't do anything wrong made  a world that is mess up is a fallacy.  There for in my opinion, there is NO "GOD"!!!!
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