
Does "In God We Trust" still blooming in your hearth??

by  |  earlier

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if it so,,

what(kind of)God do you trust..

tell me bout it;

my guest is The-Almighty-American-Muscles that you guys trust..

(hope im wrong)





  1. yes it's blooming and it will continue blooming for the rest of my life.

    and i believe in Allah.which is the god that created this universe and human beings.and he's the one and only god.and he's the only one that should be worshiped.

  2. what are you talking about?

  3. I only believe in Jehovah God. I believe in His son Jesus Christ.  

  4. Today, it means the Bible God...

    Since Christianity operates without any quality control the clergy gets away with murder!!! And the US Government feels that Christianity has some merit to “UNITE” the country…  The “In God we trust” slogan came about only after we created the US Federal Reserve Bank… Not because of any “spiritual awakening” like the Christians claim… The Federal Reserve Bank can get away with murder now… They don’t have to be Christians, either. And so on, and so forth…

  5. Yes, "In God We Trust" still blooming in my heart.  As a Christian, I believe in almighty God and the teachings of Jesus Christ.

    Have a lovely day :)

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