
Does "earning power " and "advanced education " make women happier or make them unhappy & frayed

by Guest33619  |  earlier

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  1. I think these things will only make women happy if they let them. Happiness is often a byproduct of education and earning power.

  2. Will make them happier, but only temporarily, then they become more unhappier and frayed than they were before.

    Simple things in life make me more happy.

  3. happier

    working long hours in a menial, soul destroying job that pays £5 / hr (no money for holidays, not much chance of advancement, coming home to a ****hole pokey flat) vs working in an exciting challenging job that pays £20 / hr (with money for nice holidays, good chances of advancement and a nice garden flat/house)?

    hm, which one could possibly be better?

  4. My degrees and approximately $2.4 million in just real estate holdings alone makes Me feel secure, not happy. And, it pays for a LOT of massage therapy and allows me to bobble about peacefully in my canoe every day.  What makes me happy are the coconut cream napolians the two gourmet chefs among the five elderly gentlemen with whom I live and support make for me at my beckon.  Yum.  That, and new pictures of my grandbabies makes me happiest.  Someday, I'm going to hand it all over to my son's war chest when he runs for governor.  No joke.  Then HE can keep me supplied with coconut cream napolians and extra-crunchy fried bird arms and I'll just bobble about in my canoe all day writing early childhood sci-fi stories. : )

    THAT'S happiness, having the gusto and self-determination to make your dreams come true.  It was hard in places.  But, I was a traditional housewife and mother on a farm for twenty-five years and I've been an independent self-rising woman ever since and let me tell you and every woman out there, NOTHING beats this independence and self-determination.  That sustained childhood and dependency of "traditional" roles for women is like B - O - R - I - N - G in comparison, having lived both ways.  Life is too short to waste it on just getting some crumbs of love and respect compared to how lush and rich life has been for me as a self-determining free agent.

  5. I don't know. . . I'm pretty happy, myself.  

    I think it mostly just depends on what you want and value.  If all you really ever wanted was a family and you have an important job that takes you away from it, then you might be happy.  If, on the other hand, you don't want or are ambivalent about having a husband/family, then maybe the job and education are a good thing for you to be investing a lot of time into.  You should pursue whatever makes you feel fulfilled -- one, both, the other, or neither.

  6. I cannot speak for all women, but I am happy to be part of the small percentage of Americans to have earned a college degree, and I am certain that it has improved my earning power.

  7. 40 hours a week for a good salary or a pittance? I know which makes me happier and have an easier life. I don't lay awake wondering how I'm going to be able to pay the bills, or how I'm going to be able to afford clothes and health care for my daughter. THAT would make me very unhappy.

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