
Does "elementary algebra" count for "college algebra" for transfer credit?

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i am transferring from a community college into a 4 year university to complete a BS degree. i already took "elementary algebra". the new school requires "college algebra". will the course i already took count?




  1. As the title says it is only 'elementary'.... to get into college you may need to do a 'foundation' course..... you should check with your university to see how much more work you would need to do to complete the Foundation course ..... it may well be that they will enrol you with the provision that you complete the missing sections of the Foundation course in a limited time, say a year, and then start your Uni couse after that .... essential (in England anyway) you will be at Uni for 4 years.....

  2. Some schools would count it, others wouldn't.  

    You have to contact the new school and ask.  Your advisor or the math department secretary would be able to answer this.

    Make sure to get a copy of the elementary algebra syllabus.  This is often necessary to determine credit.

  3. Doesn't sound like it.  It usually goes Elementary Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra - so it sounds like you've still got a few courses to go.  But most colleges don't offer anything below College Algebra for credit, so you might have to catch up at community college again.

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