
Does "hand-eye" coordination explain this phenomenon?

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Standing 30 or 40 feet back from my " target rock to boot" and without any visual calculating, I noticed as a young kid that I could predict with near perfect accuracy, which foot would be able to "kick the rock" when I approached it. It was more a "feeling" than anything else, but the feeling was almost always correct! Have any of you out there experienced this? What would I attribute this "skill" to? I repeat there was no "calculating" as I could nearly immediately guess as to which foot would meet the rock first.




  1. Your pretty good.  The part of your brain that plans physical movements is doing the calculation.  Your consious is not particular aware of this.  

    It is just like throwing a football to a reciever.  How do you judge where, and when to throw a ball?  If you had to think about it, you wouldn't stand a chance.

  2. i do that sometimes.... some people call it our 6th sense..... really it's just because our brain is so huge.... you were probably just doing something.... either way its just some sort of weird part of life.

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