
Does race have anything to do with why Venus and Serena Williams do not seem to get more respect?

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These two ladies have won a lot of tennis tournaments yet they do not seem to get the press and adoration I would expect of two American sisters that have won as many championships as they have. Two Wimbledons in a row for Venus, two sisters playing for the Wimbledon Championship and they are coached by their dad, and they are from freaking South Central Los Angeles! Unlike Barak Obama or Tiger Woods.....they are 100% Black!




  1. I think it's a combination of things.

    First of all, skin color. They are very dark skin women and unfortunately in American society dark skin has never been acceptable to the mainstream as a form of beauty.

    Secondly there's attitude. The sisters are very fine athletes, but sometimes their glowing personalities come across as abrasive or unappreciative of the praise and adoration that is bestowed upon them.

    Next, I would say focus. Tennis fans want there athletes to be 100% focused on Tennis. Venus and Serena have other talents and gifts that they feel need to be explored, but the hardcore fans don't agree with this line of thinking.

    And lastly, your comment about where they come from and who there coach is, is really old news, so why dwell on it? Let's enjoy their success and the possibilities that lay ahead for them both.

    ps...100% black? Please don't fall into that way of thinking. Let's enjoy those of us who have been able to make it into the public spot light doing positive things.

  2. Definitely. It's really unfortunate that people aren't willing to accept it and congratulate them. They still receive death threats and hate mail from racists. It goes back to the early days of country club sports when racists claimed that African-Americans could not play the elite sports such as tennis, golf, equestrian etc  because they did not have the finesse and acuity. Now when people see these nonwhite athletes dominating in country club sports they resent their success.

  3. I believe they get a lot of respect anywhere to go. However I believe it has something to do with tennis not being a major sport in the US that contributes to Venus and Serena not being as respected as they could have been. Because tennis is so global at the moment and because there aren't that many American players dominating the sport at the present time, it's almost like whatever Venus and Serena continue to do on the court goes on the wayside, while everyone seems to concentrate more on what they are doing off the court. These ladies have lives!!! Tennis isn't everything for them. The fact that they can play top quality tennis like this and still have the time to have a life that is away from tennis is absolutely amazing!!!

    But you are right. I honestly do feel in my heart that race plays a factor in why they aren't as famous as they could have been in the US. I mean they are famous in their own right, but when you put them up against Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan and even Michael Phelps, it's like the sisters don't even rank among these guys.

  4. Well, please keep in mind that although Tiger Woods and Obama are not 100% black, that they are still considered BLACK by America...catch my drift?

    I don't necessarily think that they don't receive enough recognition because they are black, I believe it's because they are women.

  5. I really didn't think they were lacking in respect. I see them on TV quite often and the news media appears to be paying homage to them. Perhaps you are mistaken or are trying create something that is not quite there.

  6. i think its a combination of things. for one thing they are black women and american has a pecking order. most of the time the black woman is always at the bottom. look at tennis. roger federer is the face of tennis. a white man. then its a bunch of other european male players. then you get to maria sharapova. then the us men. the you get to the williams sisters. its a pecking order. u add to the fact that neither venus or serena play in a lot of tour events other than the majors is another reason. basically its a lot of racism and sexism that keeps them from getting their just due.

  7. i disagree, i think the two get plenty of press, i just think that tennis is not as popular in the U.S.

  8. Uh......ya think?

    But what is all this 100% black nonsense? They are all black? White people came up with the one drop rule centuries ago and have held onto it. Remember when if you had 1/16 black in you, you were considered a n-egro? Why can't I say that word on here anyway?  

    The bigger issue is who in America is 100% black anyway? Nobody, unless you came here straight from Africa! We are all mixed up so there was no reason to even bring that up. Would you consider Halle Berry less black than Beyonce? Whether you are mixed, biracial, mulatto, quadroon, octaroon or whatever, if you look black or identify yourself as African American in the US, then you are considered black end of story.

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