
Does race matter to you when dating?

by  |  earlier

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Now be honest.




  1. not at all. i'm mixed with over 5 different races and without people dating out of their race, i wouldn't be here

  2. long as you are in love with that person it shouldn't matter

  3. no not at all !

    i'm into different races

    i like to be different and not do what is expected of me to do


  4. I don't care who I date or who other people date. As long as they are  happy together that is what matters!  

  5. h**l no!

  6. Not at all.

    As long as you really find some one who treats you right & is there for you then it doesn't matter. Yeah, you will face stupidity but if you have eachother than it is worth it.

  7. Not at all, date who I like and I like people for who they are, not how they look  

  8. I'm not racist...I think alot of guys are cute no matter the race...But Normally i date guys my race...  

  9. That's a question only you can answer.  Race wasn't a deciding factor for me.  I am a white girl engaged to a black man.  He has all the qualities I truly want in a husband.  

    Race sometimes makes things more complicated, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth it.  I haven't had any major issues.  We have a son, and I'll have to see how his mixed race identity impacts him as he gets older, but I love him just the way he is... He is the best of both worlds :-).  

    Diversity can strengthen a relationship.  If there is a difference in cultures, this is something to learn about and celebrate, not shy away from.  

  10. honestly it does. I mean of all the white guys i know, none of them are cute or have good personalitys, so because of that i would almost automatically not even look at white guys that way, but im not saying that if a cute nice white guy came along, of course i'd like him, its just i usually dont look for them

    sorry, didnt mean 2 offend no1, its my honest opinion

  11. In a way. I wouldn't care if I liked him but I would worry how my friends would treat him. I'd hide him more. but to protect him.

  12. Very much.

    You said be honest.


  13. no theres nothing wrong with with a black guy and  my color of skin is white.....and im latina.........      

  14. family cares..i dont  

  15. No, It does not matter size, color, or etc.

    It matters about the connection you have with one anther, and the compassion you share.  

  16. No not at all..

  17. If i'm gonna be honest... yes race matters to me when i'm dating, but only as far as looks in general matter.  i mean i have the type of person that i'm attracted to, and that doesn't make me a racist anymore then being into guys with blue eyes makes me prejudiced against guys with brown eyes. its just my preference.  now if i met a fantastic guy who didn't fit my 'mold' of guy that i usually prefer, well why not? in the end if i'm attracted to you i will date you. it just seems to work out that i am attracted to men who look similar...

  18. Yes, it does matter! I can't fathom the thought of a white person going out with a black person! It's not right!

  19. no, it just matters who you are as a person. Some people might feel that way, or their families might.

  20. I'm married now, but when I was dating, it didn't matter at all. Why should I not give someone a chance just because they are of a certain race? There are bad and good people of all races.

  21. No, I am open to other races. However, I do see how cultural differences could negatively impact a relationship.  

  22. No race doesn't matter when it comes down to dating to me. Because  right now in my relationship I'm dating a white guy & I'm a black girl. And we have a mix baby. But it's up to you. Just sit back and think about it.

  23. not really for me, i would like to date a hispanic girl that is hot and pretty or a white girl that is hot and and pretty

  24. no it depends on what kind of person they are

  25. h**l no.

    its the norm here in hawaii

  26. Im not racist, but I am physically attracted to people of my race :/

  27. no i shouldn't matter...long as you like the person thats what matters

  28. i don't think that race matters but if it gets serious and you end up marrying and having children religion will matter and different races are often different religions

  29. Being perfectly honest...

    I guess it does matter to me, but really I don't think it matters, like if a saw two married people of differing races I wouldn't think anything of it...

    ...but, I know that for some reason that I don't think is racism, I just don't seem to be attracted to people that look significantly different because of their race.

    I don't have anything against them AT ALL.

  30. it used to, but now i am more open to dating anyone.

  31. it is hard if you get married and have kids because then your child has to cope with his race. many children have to go to the phsychiatrist because they can not deal with it. nothing wrong with it, just be ready to deal w/ it.

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