
Does rain bother you?

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I live in a place where it only rains 10 times a year and its really dry and annoying. I would love to live in a place where its humid and green. When it rains I get really happy. Is it annoying for you? If so, please tell me the place you live.




  1. Move to southern IL, and you'll be the HAAAAAAPPIEST person on earth! Let's trade places ( providing you don't live in an area that is in the south or have southern-like heat.)

  2. I live in PA, and don't mind the rain, because we have a well!  We know what it's like to have to conserve water, and appreciate the rain so much!

  3. I live in Hawaii and it is not very rainy over here, so I like the rain when it pours since it doesnt come all that often. Although sometimes it can be a drag because since we have really nice weather here, when we plan something special expecting it not to rain, it rains on the really special day.

  4. I live in London, so i get to experience the rain quite a lot!!

    I absolutely love it when it rains...there's something really peaceful and calming about rain! ahh...i want it to rain now (its supposed to rain later though) YAY!

  5. You should definitely come live in Portland, Oregon.  I love the rain. It is an annoyance when I have to walk or ride my bike somewhere, but nothing beats the feeling of sitting inside watching the rain by the fireplace.

  6. i live here in ca,.so cal, rains here once in a while,..rain doesnt bother me at all,..i love rain, long as its not accompanied by storm,,..

  7. I absolutely love rain!!  Unfortunately we don't get very much.  I live in Seattle, which isn't one of the wettest cities in the country, and it doesn't rain nearly enough.... at least this year when it's just been too sunny.

  8. I absolutely love the rain. Especially if I am able to watch it from inside my home.  I dont particularly like to travel in it though.

  9. I love rain too! but like u, dont live where i get much.
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