
Does rain just suddenly stop?

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When it's raining on one side of a town but not at the other side, is there a sudden line where it stops raining? So you could stand half in rain an half out? Or is it more of a gradual thing where it blends out?




  1. you can sometimes it depends on where the clouds are

    . it dosn't usually just stop it just moves because the clouds are moving.

  2. Rain is the byproduct of several factors.  The coalescence of moisture on dust (called Condensation Nuclei) in the atmosphere, this causes the initial cloud to form.  This process comtinues until the moisture is quite dense.  

    This small particles of moisture begin to bump into one another and form larger moisture particles.  These particals remain suspended in the atmosphere, until the winds aloft can no longer support them, then the fall to the ground as rain.

    So, to answer your question, as soon as the rain begins, you are essentially removing moisture from the atmosphere, which in turn is decreasing the potential the atmosphere holds to prioduce more precipitation.  So in reality as soon as the rain begins, it is actually starting to end.  Bear in mind that moisture evaporates continuously, depanding on the rate of evaporation and the amount of lift in atmosphere, the rate that the rain diminishes can vary greatly.

    The clouds that produce the rain are also moving.  If you are located near the edge of a cloud producing precipitation, it appears that the rain stops suddenly sometimes or decreases first, depending of the tilt and the density of the cloud.   Being under a thicker portion of cloud as it moves away can appear to make the rain stop suddenly.  If the cloud thins as it moves away, it makes the rain appear to dwindle.,

  3. There can be a sharp gradient between a band of heavy rain, and where the rain ends (sort of like a waterfall).  If the parent cloud is moving at a decent clip, It can go from heavy rain to little or no rain in a matter of seconds (the cloud didn't stop producing rain, it just moved away).  I have experienced this, mainly in tropical regions.

  4. i think rain lets up and then after it is barely raining it stopps.

  5. Hehe once it was raining in the back garden but not in the front of the house! And my house is REALLY small! So I suppose sometimes it fades out, sometimes it suddenly stops!

  6. Rain doesn't stop suddenly !!!

    You may experience such things as mentioned because the moisture carrying clouds move........

    So the rain moves and cases like raining in one part and not in some other very close to the former happen.......

    Its a scientific phenomenon

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