
Does raspberry leaf tea really help with labour or is it just another old' wives tale?

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Does raspberry leaf tea really help with labour or is it just another old' wives tale?




  1. It didn't help mine either and I found out later that you have to drink a ton of the stuff daily. like gallons. I guess with all the things available now days you shouldn't have to deal with much pain.

  2. I drank gallons of the stuff, from 39 weeks, right through to 42 weeks...

    s*x really works though.

  3. It helps tones the uterus or something to make it so when you do start contracting it makes the contractions more effective or something like that.  I think you take it from aroun 35 weeks.  Could of worked for me - with my first I didn't know I was in labour till I was pushing and when I got to birth centre I was nearly 9cms!

    I took it in capsule form - no way could I drink the tea!!

  4. It didn't help mine!

  5. Didn't do a thing for me.  Sorry.  

  6. my mother and aunts swear by the stuff.

    They have all given me bottles of raspberry leaf tea as gifts - i have about 8 bottles in the cupboard waiting till i'm 36weeks before i start drinking it.

    The chemist and midwife recommended it to me also, as it is proven to help strengthen the uterus - making contractions more effective. If you don't like the taste of it, you can buy raspberry leaf tea tablets from a health food store instead.

  7. nothing but walking will really speed up your labor what really helped me was walking up and down very steep stair's it really helped me dilate  

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