
Does rat make good eating?

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Does rat make good eating?




  1. u freak! and i heard about a person dying from doing that once

  2. It's actually fairly common in Asia (as is eating horse or dog).  In the US, muskrat (technically not a true "rat") was once a fairly common dish, particularly in Michigan, though it's popularity has declined in recent years.

  3. dont eat such good cute creatures! and thats a gross thought! ♥

  4. Gross.  I would rather starve.

  5. thats bad ratys carry diseases and y would u eat one of them

    (dont get any thoughts of eating guinea pig)

  6. i dont think so they make really good pets and are extremly cute but i dont think they make good food

  7. i wish you would eat all the rats cuz I HATE RATS

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