Real psychics don't take Randi's challenge because they're not interested in money.
And this is why everything is available for free in a psychic bookstore-giftshop. Oh that's right, they charge a lot of money for tarot cards, readings, books, talismans, etc.
Orwell called this Doublethink!
It was the ability to internalize a contradiction and operate normally as if everything was normal and there was nothing wrong.
It's not the only example. You don't have to look any further than headlines and pundits to see people entagled in Doublethink.
But Spiritual (Religious or whatever flavor is present) schools of thought thrive on Doublethink.
As a matter of fact, if you look at Orwell, it's almost a how to manual for every cult, religion, totalitarian state, or corrupt institution that has ever warped people's minds.
I agree with James Randi! It is harmful and should be opposed!