
Does reading make you smarter even if you're a dyslexic?

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Does reading make you smarter even if you're a dyslexic?




  1. Yaeh.

  2. It will help train your mind to Read what you are seeing, and it will in turn help you realize that some words aren't correct when you see them, this will  help make your mind "correct" the word.

    It takes time But you can over-come you get older you will see it happens less and less, because you can Identify it faster. As far as Smarter, Dyslexic people have a tendency to have above average I.Q.'s so it sounds like you may be improving your intelligence instead of starting on it.

  3. Sure. You are still taking in information even though it is a struggle.

  4. Yes...absolutely.   Reading contributes to an increased vocabulary, improved comprehension and the development of knowledge of the subject matter you are reading about if it's non-fiction.

  5. Reading is necessary for everyone who wants to be smart.

    No matter what the subject, every day occurrence/ drama/

    classics. Reading the newspaper each day and reading out loud gives one confidence.

    It's a form of therapy for both yourself and your self esteem.

    Dyslexic or otherwise find a subject you enjoy and love, and you will find it becomes more interesting than to be told.

    There are well known Actors and Actresses who are dyslexic and I believe Tom Criuse is one.

    Now look where he is, and he requires scripts to read for  each movie, Why not youself.

    Good luck

  6. I am assuming that you mean to make yourself read. You are probably very smart already. You may have to get help for your dyslexia--Get some tips from professionals in this area....but in the meantime, read for fun/a little at a time. It will help you develop you own pattern of seeing the letters. If you are trying to do school work, try reading you homework out loud into a recorder.Play it back to study.

  7. I don't know if reading makes you "smarter," but what it does do is introduce more vocabulary and can lead to more complex thinking.  It is usually recommended that people read at their level and be read to (by a person or a CD/Tape) at a level higher than their reading level.  

    The "reading to" introduces advanced vocabulary.  Then when the reader begins to come across that vocabulary, those words are recognizable and have context.  This improves language skills for all levels of readers.

    As an aside, avid readers tend to be more skilled writers.  Writers often read in the style they desire to use to write.  This causes a kind of imitation of style.  Even students with learning disabilities can benefit from reading and being read to.

  8. What do you mean by smarter? You learn new words just by reading and it helps better how you use context clues, a skill you'll need in school. Reading will also make your writing better.

  9. Reading will always make you smarter - you learn new words, learn about things and places and people and so yes even if you are dyslexic, it will make you smarter!

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