
Does reading through this site sometimes ever make you feel disheartend with humanity?

by  |  earlier

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I mean the whole site yahoo answeres not just the sociology section, answers and questions what does this interface mean on a sociologic and.... personal level.... again the whole site




  1. I get really nervous about the future of the planet if these people represent the next generation.

  2. It is a poor substitute for discussion in an increasingly isolationist world.  There is no way to know tone, inflections, gestures, body language, and so on.  There is no fellowship, no "hanging out" -- just a bunch of people sitting in front of computers, all of whom (to a point) think that they know enough about enough to educate a few other people, all the while knowing that it's like whispering in a hurricane.  Truth is here -- so are lies.  Love is here -- so is hate.  Faith and doubt are neighbors, acceptance and rejection rub shoulders.  It is what it is.

    But it's not all bad, is it?

  3. no, but it is a reminder that mankind is frail, inexact, and brutal towards one another, and it's always been this way.

  4. True, I totally agree with you. But at the same time, I sometimes feel that way no matter where I am and others are around, it's bound to happen when there are large groups of people together. Sometimes I wonder about the current generation. Still though, there is good in everything.

  5. Sometimes, yes.  What is apparent is the fact that  loneliness, insecurity, fear, depression, divorce, and other emotional and societal ills continue to persist - unabated -in general, despite our progressive technology and high-speed trek down the information highway.   Also, the numerous references to Islam, Muslims, terrorists, bombers, 9-11,   civil war, genocide, Darfur, etc.:  It's enough to jade  even the most optimistic  of any one of us.

    The good news, I suppose, is that there are plenty of caring people on this site, I think.

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