
Does red bull make you mega hyper?

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Does red bull make you mega hyper?




  1. No I like to drink coffee to get hyper.

  2. Some people say it does, but I disagree. I've had Red Bull many times before, and I never got hyper. Apple juice gets me more hyper than Red Bull. Also, it might have a different effect on everyone. ^_^

  3. Red bull gives me endless energy for about 3 hours,in which time I usually clean the entire house . Just because I'm too lazy to clean it without the extra energy boost lol .

    But I hate the feeling I get after the 3 hours of energy, I get a low and feel sick with stomach aches, I have to eat something like bread so I don't throw up.

    It's not worth drinking in my opinion , because the after feeling completely sucks .  But I do still drink it occasionally when I'm bored and want energy.

  4. nope. it tastes good and it may make u sustain ur energy for a while but not hyper

  5. No, it does not.  I am accustomed to lots of caffeine.

  6. red bull contains lots of suger and caffine, so in some people in can make them seem hyper, if you drink lots in a short space of time it will boost your energy levels, so yes it can make you hyper.

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