
Does red cross pay for travel to disaster areas?

by Guest33602  |  earlier

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I'm thinking about the Myanmar incident. I'm sure some people would love to help there, but can't afford to get there? Are there programs that cover travel expenses?




  1. Red Cross disaster service volunteers called the DAT (Disaster Action Team) start by going through a training program that includes simul;ated disaster scenes, then work on local disasters (including things like single family fires),  In most cases local DAT Team members pay their own gas etc to go to the diasater scene.   After working on local disasters they may be certified to help in regional disasters after taking further training, then may be certified to help at National Disasters and after even more training may work on international disasters.  Volunteers working in regional and national and international disasters may have travel expenses reimbursed or may be given purchase orders in advance.   The Red Cross would never send someone to help in any situation locally, or furtehr away without solid training in the Red Cross Disaster assistace programs.  

    All other program\s that I know of also require training and experience.   Salvation Army, Baptist Men's Ministries and Menonite Disaster Assistance are the main ones and all have specific requirements and work to send people who know what to expect to the extent that one can know and are very prepared to help.    I say to the extent because the first time you have to help a mom and grandma whose child has died in a tornado and whose home and possessions are all gone you discover there is no real way to be prepared.   You can know all the technical parts of assistance, can know how to set up and operate a shelter,can have role played it with experienced workers but only by being there and doing it can you really know how it is.   After days of this you realize there is also no amount of adrenelin that can keep upi going throuhgh the exhaustion either.  There are rest protocols but even with mandatory down time rest is almost impossible.    People on international relief missions also have special training in cultural issues and in dealing with language barriers and more.  They also need to nhave pasports, innocilations etc up to date because when they are needed they are needed then as szoon as then host country asks for help. Protocol is that they can not go unless or until help is requested.

    I worked as a Disaster Services Senior Caseworker for a Red Cross Chapter which meant I "supervised" the work of DAT team volunteers.  I use the " because while I verified records and expenses and made sure all was done right thise folks were all so well trained and experienced especially that DAT team captains that my "supervisory" role was mainly entering computer records of what they did.  I worked along side them on some local and a couple of regional and one national level disaster.  

    There are things that do not require a lot of training like hauling away downed trees etc but even for that security on the disaster scene requires that people be authorized by a recognized group because there are some who come to loot or harm which in my opinion is about as low as it gets.

    If you have an interest in helping in fiuture incidents contact your local Red Cross chapter or Salvation Army or talk with your pastpr about your church's relief teams if any and get the training now so you can help.  DAT team workers are always needed almost everywhere.

  2. as a volunteer of red cross - after you get trained by them - yes all expenses are paid - the local red cross chapters only go to the us and to us possessions

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