
Does red devil have a hump on their head?

by  |  earlier

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In fish store, all red devils don't have hump, but on the web they do.




  1. Red devil will have a hump or will not have depends on their gender. Male usually have a hump on their head when they reach size 12 inches or more, and i never seen a female red devil with a hump on their head.

    Personal experience.

  2. I'm going to be watching this answer, as well as a bunch of other people given a certain someone that has already been proven to give themselves a BA all the time, and they lost that ID due to the team work in here.  I can only tell this person they need to knock this c**p OFF NOW.

    You don't see a hump on many Red Devils in stores simply because they are very young.  The ones you'll see on the internet are usually full grown adult ones, and that's why they'll look different then the ones you see in the stores.

  3. mature males do.

  4. In fish stores they have babies, that have not grown the lump on their head yet.

  5. As red devils mature a hump may form on their head. There are many different forms of red devils so its not a guarantee that a specific fish you buy will get a hump.

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