
Does red rasberry leaf tea help efface your cervix?( I DO choose best answer)?

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What kind of tea exactly help you. I heard its red rasberry leaf tea. Is that a flavor? what brand is good.

IU went to the grocery store and all I found was rasberry flavor tea but It has blackberry leave and rasberry leaves in the last ingredints.

Whats your suggestons to help with getting effaced?




  1. You will need to go to a natural food store to find this. It doesn't work for everyone, but it definitely can't hurt anything, only help. Try it out!

  2. you have to go too a health food store to buy this type of tea. it is rasberry leaf tea but its not just your regular herbal flavored tea. so becareful where you buy it and i would consider buying it at your health food store. GOOD LUCK

    oh ps yess it should efface your cervix

  3. Ok, and this is the truth, as my aunt is an OB and was MINE!  Tea is HOGWASH!  A LIE!  And totally bogus!  Here is the TRUTH to getting effaced....

    Having s*x> There is oxitocin in sperm.....   Oxitocin is actually the SAME thing inside the PITOCIN they give you to put you into labor, and speed the labor up as well....

    TRUE...  Also, walking and staying active does the trick.  

    True Story:  My friend went into labor almost 4 weeks before her "due" date with her 1st, she had s*x at least 1 time a day with her hubby. She also walked EVERY night! Her and her hubby went together on a nice stroll, and talked about their day.  And seriously, she went into her appointment, and didnt even know  she was 4 CM dialated. Had the baby, with no drugs. And did GREAT!

    LOL, for me... I was such a miserable old hag when I was PG and wanted the baby OUT OUT OUT!!! I however, didnt have s*x...  and went over-due...  Dont know if that has anything to do with it or not...  

    Good luck!  But there really is no TEA to induce labor.  Thats a mythe!

  4. Personally I dont know if it would work or not, I've heard people who said they see no results, but you know its been a round for a while so its worth a shot.  But check out theses sites and see what you think. GL!

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