
Does registering as a Republican in the primaries make you a 'real' Republican?

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Even if its just to 'stick it to the man' by s******g up their primary by voting for Ron Paul? If enough liberals, libertarians, John Birchers, potheads, alternative health nuts and other stripes of un-Republicans were to infiltrate and win him the primary, what would the Republican party leadership do?




  1. I always wondered why people dont do that. I think I would do that but I would be too scared that Ron Paul would actually win.

  2. You are not a Citizen.  You should be deported immediately.

  3. If you register you can vote. There is very little chance you can effect a Presidential nomination there just isn't enough votes to make that happen.

    This is however a strategy pursued by both Democrats and Republicans in smaller races where people will register in the other party and try and elect a bad candidate or a candidate that is more favorable to them.

    Sort of dirty pool but legal.

  4. No, I know of a democrat that changed to repub just to get elected then changed right back when he got the election.  they kicked him out of office and he got many death threats.

  5. Nope.  It means you get to vote in the Republican primary.

    For years in KY, the republicans didn't even have a primary (only had one person running).  Everybody registered Democrat so they could vote in a primary.  When an outsider looked at the voter rolls, he saw Democrats out-numbering Republicans 10-1.  When the election was held in November, though, the results were always a lot closer.

  6. If you live in a strongly Republican area, that may be the only way your vote would have any meaning.  

    And who is to say what is a Republican?

  7. I'm not sure you have to go there.  Enough of us non-neocon Republicans are choosing 'none of the above' as the top candidate that we are perfectly able to skrew up our own primary.

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