
Does religious schooling,ex.sunday bible school for children equates to child abuse?

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Does religious schooling,ex.sunday bible school for children equates to child abuse?




  1. No.

  2. No.

    Go troll elsewhere.

  3. Not unless you don't provide the necesary bread and water every so often...

    Come on now.  If you want a good arguement, go to the R&S section and post your question.  Putting this in the homeschooling category is just plain silly.

  4. me teaching THESE are the things that border on child abuse:

    1) That there is no spiritual reality (i.e.- we humans are so intelligent and powerful that we already know everything about everything and if we can't see, hear, touch, smell or taste something, then it must not exist.)

    2) That there are "no rules". Wait until the kid tries to tell that to the cops)

    3)That he/she is a cosmic accident.

    4) That it's safe emotionally, physically and spiritually for him/her to go out and have s*x...until he gets an STD or she gets pregnant.

    5) That his/her ultimate worth depends on what kind of car he drives or what kind of clothes she wears, how athletic he is or that she weighs 102 soaking wet and is popular with the football team....What kind of basis is any of this for self-worth?

    6) That life is one big game that can be played in front of a video or TV screen and that Mom and Dad or (Big Brother) will always be there to pay the bills.

    7) That everyone in the world is middle-class and has enough to eat, a house to live in and designer clothes to wear.

    8) That he/she is less important to Mom and/or Dad than their latest spouse/friend, a plasma TV, or a new car.

    9) That the world revolves around them and their wants....

    These are just a few teachings that I believe equate to child abuse....

  5. Putting this in the homeschooling category is just plain silly.

    I agree with the person who said that  and decided I would repeat it in case you didn't see it in answer above.

    Is teaching car repair, art, music appreciation and animal care child abuse?  

    Nope.  Why would teaching a religion be any different?

  6. No.  

    Spiritual education, is not degrading or mentally or physically harmful.

    Spiritual education is a parental responsibility.

  7. Not in and of itself. If the teachers are hitting the children with rulers or being verbally abusive, yes. But most modern religious schooling doesn't have all of that.

    Learning a religion can not constitute child abuse any more than learning a language or proper manners in your culture.

  8. no

  9. Every form of education is inherently religious.

    "Secular" training teaches us to be "value neutral" which is actually a religious philosophy.  That philosophy is called moral relativism, and it is based in deeply religious philosophy that is anti-supernatural, that is, it pre-supposes that nothing can exist beyond the realm of the human senses, and that man is the highest authority in the universe.

    So, every form of schooling is religious, because every system of thought is based on philosophy of some kind.  The question should be, "which forms of education are abusive?"

    I think that the public school system is abusive because they demand conformity of thought and values while they preach the religion of secular humanism.

    Alternative education in the "Sunday School" vein offers an additional viewpoint to help broaden your mind.

    Any form of education that does not allow thought or question is abusive.  Yes, some religious schooling could be considered abusive, but only if they ridicule those who disagree (like the public school does on a daily basis) or if they practice some kind of wacky snake handling or something.

  10. I'm not exactly sure what the logic behind this question is. However, as the US allows "freedom of religion" as a basic right, I would say that parent having their children trained in their religion would not constitute abuse, unless there was actual physical abuse involved (such as beating the devil out, etc). If you are thinking that a child doesn't want to go to Bible school but is made to anyways, well I never wanted to clean my room or eat that nasty Mexican casserole the rest of the family was so fond of, but forcing me to do it was not considered abuse (much to my chagrin).

  11. No it doesn't.  Why would you even ask that?  Is it wrong to to make a child learn Math?  History?  Social Studies?  Health?  Reading?

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