
Does renter's insurance cover my clothing if damaged by water leakage?

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my boyfriend and I have renters insurance for our apartment. Today we had realized that there was water leaking into my closet, which caused mold and water damage on over half of my clothing. can we claim it and get money to replace all the damaged and ruined clothing?




  1. Check your policy but most renter's insurance does.  It will still be subject to your deductible though, so keep that in mind.

  2. Likely not.  

    See, "water" doesn't damage most clothing.  Clothing dries.  MOLD damage is going to be excluded on just about every policy there is.

    So, you can dry out the wet clothes, or even ::gasp:: wash them and dry them.  That will take care of the WET.  Cost for the laundromat won't exceed your deductible.

    But the mold, or mildew, those aren't going to be covered.  

  3. amanda w, Home insurance covers lots of different things. I'm not familiar with all the details of my policy, but my home insurance agent is always helpful. Try visting your agent or a homeowners agent in your city. They should be able to assist you.

  4. It should, you'd have to read your specific policy though to make sure.

    You'd want to make sure the damage is significantly more than your deductible, or you might raise your premium in the future for no reason.

  5. It should cover that, if it's a typical renter's policy.  However, be prepared to substantiate the cost/purchase price of that clothing, and also be prepared for them to give you a depreciated value on same.

  6. It is not easy to answer your question in one words,you would better find it out here yourself.

  7. Yes, if your insurance carrier has this clause or rider,

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