
Does renters insurance cover items stolen from a friends house?

by  |  earlier

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I had moved some items over to a friends house for my wife to use. The friend decided he does not want to give the stuff back to us or let us in his house. He put the stuff out on the treelawn for people to steal. (he is not a friend anymore). Does anyone know if my state farm renters insurance will cover these items? They where stolen from his treelawn, and out of my control.




  1. This wasn't a theft - this was a voluntary parting.  You put it over your friend's house, he threw it away.

    I don't think your policy is going to cover.  The only reason they were out of your control, is because you gave them to him.  Which isn't a policy exclusion - but what IS a policy exclusion, is when your stuff is at another residence (of you or your wife's) which is NOT listed on your policy as an additional location.  

    Plus, there's no police report here!  And I don't think there will be one, because, well, it wasn't a THEFT!  He put the stuff out, for people to take!  You put the stuff under his control.  Sorry.

  2. I wouldnt count on it.  Any of these questions really need to be directed to your agent.

  3. Sounds like a civil case to me. Some polices have reduced coverage while articles are in storage but no theft occurred here.

  4. It sounds more domestic than anything.  Insurance for "gray" areas generally isn't covered.  And usually renter's insurance only covers items in your direct possession or on the property in which you live (i.e. not storage or at another residence unless you're visiting...and it doesn't sound like your wife was there when they put the items on the lawn.

    Sounds like a good Judge Judy case!! Take it to civil.

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