
Does rescue remedy work?

by Guest66586  |  earlier

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I have the bach one and curios if it works, i have my diving test coming up, and would like something to settle my nerves which obviously doesnt involve alcohol, haha.

Any help will be great! thank you.





  1. Yeah rescue remedy works. =D

  2. Yes, it works well for diving tests - or, indeed, for driving tests - it steadies your nerves without compromising your awareness.

    Whichever it is, I'm sure we're all wishing you success!

  3. If you believe that it does, yes.

    If you believe that it doesn't, then probably not.

  4. isn't that the stuff to help u sleep.. well i took one and it calmed me down with in a matter of minutes but shouldn't make u drowsy.  I personally would just smoke a little grass cuz that calms u down better and wouldn't cause u to get in an accident unless ur were blazed.

  5. Yes. They're an effective, gentle way to treat kids, pets and desperate states. Bach Flower remedies work on the mind, and, I think, the soul. I occasionally used one for my overtired-wired toddler; a drop in a glass of water provided immediate calm. I also once used Rescue Remedy when a family member was suicidal, then followed through with homeopathy. You can be less precise with flower remedies. I worked with them before finding out about homeopathy (which is even better, comprehensively). What I like about flower remedies is the poetic aspect; they're quite beautiful.

    If it doesn't work, it's just not the one you need. I'd be hard-pressed to believe if it didn't somewhat help. Great idea.

  6. It should help, yes.  Why not take it a few times before hand, so you can be sure what to expect?

    And there is alcohol involved with it, albeit a tiny amount!

  7. stop drinking anything with caffine and do a distilled water fast once a week for 24 hours one whole gallon of it and thats all you get

  8. my friend who is terrified of flying swears by the stuff, she now goes on holiday abroad on regular occasions.

  9. It works ok not great but alcohol is the main ingredient.

  10. my friend had that.

    it worked for her

    and tasted like cider

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