
Does rev. saturation current also flow during forward biasing of PN diode?Is this drift or diffusion current?

by Guest56711  |  earlier

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I think it is...But regarding type I am confused...




  1. i think..

    REVERSE SATURATION CURRENT flows only during reverse bias  n it is due to minority carriers in P and N is more at break down voltage...

    DIFFUSION current flows at time of formation of pn junction...

    refer "semiconductor devices" byFLOYD....

    drift is different from reverse saturation current......

  2. Dear pa,

    Thank you, am also fine like you, then dear i thought it is not like that please for me do not confuse.

  3. i think so its drift

  4. yes,a very small amount of reverse saturation current flows. It is a diffusion current  not a drift current. It is because of charge gadient by immobile ions.

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