
Does riding on a train scare you?

by  |  earlier

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Because I am suppose to ride it on Friday and I am totally freaking out!




  1. the thought of it makes me want to kill myself.

  2. I've been riding trains as an engineer since 1975. I am more afraid of the drive to work than being on the train. The odds of being a crash on the highway are much much more than on a train. and if heaven forbid you ARE involved in a crash, you are much much more likely to survive than in a car crash. LOTS more steel around you and the fuel tanks are on the locomotive instead of under your back seat.

  3. it doesnt scare me that much unless we go up a steep slope or there is a steep sholder beside the train you should be fine

  4. What?  Its not like you are going up in the sky and could possibly crash.

  5. Trains aren't that scary, especially not the one you'll be on. The quality of the ride depends on the quality of the tracks and roadbed, and you'll be riding on a sheet of glass.

  6. no of cousre not...

  7. just picture everyone naked... that helps me get through line at wendy's

  8. Not at all... I ride the CalTrain each morning for my Commute, and then the ACE (Altamont Commuter Express) every month to visit my brother.

    I've never have had a problem with any train: USA, German, Swiss, French, or Japanese that I've ridden since 1974

  9. where? up a cliff face? on the plains? underground?

    with all that mass, nothing will make it stop so suddenly as a car hitting a tree... so in my way of thinking, its safer.

    unless there is a serial murderer on the train, and he killed the engineer first, then cut communications... then it might be scary.

  10. Are you kidding?  Inside a passenger train is just about the safest place on earth.

    Really.  Of all the transportation modes, rail is many times safer than the private automobile.  The BART system carries 250,000 people a day and has never lost a passenger in 35 years.

  11. It doesn't scare me at all...but that could possibly be because I've never ridden a train before..

  12. I ride it everyday when I am on patrol.

    New York it is all about that train.

  13. hey, you might have had panic disorder due to that government mind control stuff...i know how you'd have felt...believe me, i'm victim don't be panic...i'm backing you up from here...god bless you for the trip...

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