
Does rollerblading help your ice skating?

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Does rollerblading help your ice skating?




  1. My sister says "no way!" Some people support this, and say it only destroys their skating abilities.  However, before I became good at skating (meaning, before I had my axel) I rollerbladed quite often.  I would say it neither helps nor hurts your skating.

  2. Yes and no.  It's a completely different balancing technique but it gives you ankle support and strength.  Good luck!

  3. Well I used to rollerblade quite a bit before I took up ice skating.  I tried rollerblading the other day and it was kinda hard because there is no toepick and there is a completely different way of stopping and controlling yourself on ice compared to on rollerblades.

  4. it helped me know how to move when i first started skating, and how to balance. but the stopping is much different. there have been many times where i would be ice skating and try to stop with my heal, or rollerblading and trying to do a snowplow stop (it doesn't work very well). As for anything more advanced than just skating around in a circle, rollerblades won't help you much because they are just not the same as a figure skate. If you want something closer to a figure skate than you would need to fork out some money for the PIC skate.

  5. heck no ice is the best help

  6. rollerblading seems to make ice skating easier to people who dont know how to ice skate versus to people who dont know either.  I t kind of gives you a feel of how ice skating is like, balance.  it does help, but not with figure skating, obviously. hope this helped!  

  7. No it doesn't!

    I am a figure skater and compete and skate every day!

    Roller blades are completly different and say your doing a triple salchow (which I can do) into a lutz. You have to be on your outside edge which roller blades dont have edges. everything you do in figure skating is based on a edge. Hope this helped! You will be seeing me in the winter olympics when I am sixteen or seventeen which is in 3


  8. rollerblading wont really help with your figure skating. but artistic skating will... artistic skating is pretty much figure skating, but on wheels... on quads it is very different, but there is a type of skate called an inline artistic blade, (or art blades for short), which is made to resemble as closely as possible an ice skate - toe pick, rockered wheels to simulate the blade, and the same figure skating boot.but theyre horrendously expensive, and really unless your going to start artistic skating, you dont need one, its probably too hard for you to learn without a coach.

    but i think in a sense rollerblading will help with just general iceskating, because its the same kind of motion, improves balance, coordination etc

  9. I've never really roller bladed myself, but I know several skaters who started out rollerblading before switching over to the ice. In fact, Tara Lipinski started out as a roller blader and she didn't do too poorly ;-) So I would say it sure doesn't seem to hurt!

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