
Does rowing crew make your arms and legs bulk up?

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I want to join my school's varsity crew team, but I'm really afraid I'll bulk up. Any experienced advice? Thanks.




  1. Not at all. I've been rowing with my school's varsity team for several seasons, and it's actually a very good sport just for toning up (and getting tan!). Due to the use of your arms, legs, *and* core strength, you get a good, overall workout. However, a lot of people do weights to supplement their work-outs in crew. If your coach has this as a requirement (as mine does), I'd just be careful about which weights you do and how much and how often.

  2. You'll find that in rowing, one you'll become more toned that built & two that your legs (and core) will become MUCH stronger than your arms, for you hardly use your arms during the drive of a proper stroke.

  3. Actually rowing is a very good all over work out it isnt just the arms that are used and since there are so many muscles working you wont have to worry about one particular area bulking up, It does wonders for abs as well.  Also it is a very good cardio workout. You may notice more definition but you certianly wont have to worry about looking like Arnold Schwartsanegger.   Another good point is it will be a new expierence and chance to make new friends and be apart of a team.  I hope you try out and have a wonderfull time!!!

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