
Does rum taste any good

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Does rum taste any good




  1. with coke it does

  2. ya, it's good. spiced is the best.

  3. Ms Romantic,

    A good rum , generally dark rum is great served neat, no ice, no mix.

    All others mix real well with tonic and a wedge of lime.

  4.   No hard liquor tastes good on it's own.  I like a good dark rum (Appleton) with a good egg nog that comes out at Christmas time.  It is also good with coke or pepsi.

  5. I think it is good.  The darker rums are goo on their own or in coke and the clear rums make great mixed drinks.  The coconut one mentioned before is really yummy:P  I like the spiced rums too.

  6. not to me. but it gets ya drunk

  7. It makes for the yummiest mixed drinks but the worst hangover - it's straight sugar!

  8. to me it only tastes good with coke but then i burp for hours to come. i like coconut rum the best because it has about half the alcohol content than hard rum so you get a nice slow buzz rather than going from sober to drunk in no time...

  9. yes but obviously it depends on the person

  10. yes. drink with red raspberry soda.

  11. Wow, "no hard liquor tastes good on its own?"  That's stupid, but probably true if your idea of liquor is fishing for the plastic value bottles in the bottom of the discount bin.  Try not drinking distilled p**s, and you might taste something new.

    To answer your question, I suggest you try some rum to see if you like it (start with some nice dark rum).  Some is great on its own, but I've also had some that tastes like melted tires.  White rum is generally the stuff people mix into fruity cocktails and such.

    If you don't want rum on its own, there's so much you can mix it with (coke, daqueries, mojitos, etc.).  Also, get some nice spiced rum and pour a shot over a scoop of vanilla ice cream.  Delicious.

    But it's not for everyone.

  12. no no NO!!

    stick with tequila and vodka :D

    i like my vodka

  13. Whoever said "no hard liquor tastes good on its own" is a friggin' moron.  There are plenty of rums that taste good on their own.  Choose darker colored and longer aged ones, put them on the rocks, and you'll be fine.  Stay away from 10 Cane though, that's pure sugar cane and tastes like h**l.  

  14. its nice with ginger beer

  15. Why is the rum gone??

  16. love it

  17. Bunderberg rum and coke does.

  18. i like it with coke

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