
Does running in the road and running on a gym bike have the same impact?

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I visited my physician not too long ago and my blood pressure was a bit high. There was no immediate concern for my health at all. But personally I decided to start exercising to better the pressure. I ran track all my life and recently started running again due to this finding. However, my legs are really sore and decided to hit the bike in my community gym. My question is, does it have the same impact as me running in the road? or what else do you guys suggest to lower my blood pressure. I also swim in the mornings for about 30 mins.




  1. Eat less salt.

  2. Im 13 and big on running. I run about 3.5 hard miles a day. Training on a bike is easier than running on the road. I would run on the road. But, in your case since your getting back into shape and your legs are sore, a bike in a local gym is fine for cross-training. But dont try n work yourself too hard, because thats how injurys occur.

    In summary i think u should do some road running, and u can use the bike at your local gym. Road running is harder work and works your muscles more and a bike is fine for getting your healthy finess back.

  3. I run 5 miles 4 times weekly. I am 29 and prefer to do it on the road, but usually do it on the treadmill. Running on a road will cause more damadge to you joints because you are absorbing alot more shock, whereas treadmills have stabilisers to minimise it. You will do the same workout, and it will be just as beneficial for you, but i like outdoor better because you have sun, fresh air and scenery. You say your legs are sore, where exactly? If it is your achilles or knees you are better off on a treadmill. Muscle injuries, do not worry- they come and go. Best to see your doctor or fitness trainer for an accurate diagnosis. Cycling will raise your blood-pressure more than running. If running or cycling are too difficult at the moment, i would stick to swimming- apparently the best aerobic activity of them all. I just never liked the water personally.

  4. "No"running on the road is obviously not the same for-goodness-sake  first off its out doors u have the wind resistance to deal with and the road is not as smooth as the gym bike not including dodging traffic and other obstacles.

    u want to exercise better then try out door exercise the air should be better than air conditioning.

  5. Keep your fluid levels at their optimum, eat less processed food, (all contain high salts and cheaper meats etc) which are constantly being linked to health problems ranging from certain cancers to higher cholesterol levels etc.

    A bike will return far less impact as it's a smooth motion. Far less harm than running on any surface.

    Really, the only possible problems associated with hours seated on a bike are overuse injury to the knees and erectile problems due to the squashing of that blood supply from sitting on a hard seat.

    I seriously doubt 30 minutes on a gym cycle will have a detrimental effect on either, and the lower salt levels and associated stress will actually aid the libido, so get cracking!


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