
Does running with my heels landing first make my legs more toned? ways to run to get my legs toned?

by  |  earlier

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well some say that running with my heels landing first will make the muscles on the lower part of my leg tighter. im not sure thats true cuz i dont think thats the correct posture for running.

so is it bad if i run that way? and is it true?

If not, what are the correct postures to running?

and what ways to run to get my legs more toned?

how long should i run everyday, and how many times a week?

haha that was a lot of questions. I hope you guys can help me!





  1. Ouch! That sounds like a complete disaster for your heels. I can't speak as to whether that actually works, but it sounds like it can do more damage than it is worth. If you have access, try running on sand. That helps strengthen your legs more than a flat surface.  

  2. I've been looking at a few running sites and suppsoedly its best to land on the middle of your foot and roll forward, not on your heels... anyways, look into that and check out the runningroom website.  

  3. don't listen to army'swife...

    running on sand destroys your legs....refrain from running on beaches.

    if you want to strengthen your legs without harming your knees or other parts of your body, run on grass, grass is the only thing that is good for your legs.

    DO not run with your heels landing first, that does not help, in fact....whoever told you that is really dumb.

    to tone your legs, do weight training, that's the only way... or you can swim, swimming tones your calves... i myself, do both.

    how long you should run everyday, it's up to you really, i run 4 miles a day, takes an 1 hour- 1:15 usually.

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