
Does sabrina like puck in sisters grimm series?

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  1. um hellu but do u think puck would get jealous if sabrina went out with another boy?!?!?!?!?!!?!?

  2. yeah, she likes him. He admitts that he likes her 2 in book 8 and in book 8 he eats snow whites poisened apple and falls asleep, and only someone who truly lovs him can wake him up by a kiss and Sabrina kisses him and he wakes up

  3. yes she ends up getting married to him. she obviously hides it from herself because hes the socall villian but yea she likes him

  4. Yeah she does she just hides it from him and her self. I thinks shes afraid to admit it. I think thouse feeling for him got stronger when they were in ferry. Especially when Puck saves her from moth. Also so when they were in Ferry she enmittes her true feelings for him evan though he couldn't hear them. And also when he apologizes to her after all most killing her in book 7.

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