
Does sacrificing one's happiness for the sake of others' happiness lead to true happiness?

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Does sacrificing one's happiness for the sake of others' happiness lead to true happiness?




  1. Yes

    when everyone sacrificing 4 them selves, the true Muslim sacrifice 4 others "يؤثرون على أنفسهم ولو كان بهم خصاصة " "and give them preference over themselves even though they were in need of that " sorat al hashar ayah 9

    and they believes in  ÃƒÂ˜Ã‚®Ã™ÂŠÃ˜Â± الناس أنفعهم للناس "best r those who r best to others"

    unfortunatly we have become very selfish today & only think of our selves

    .May Allah make us of those who get satisfaction in doing 4 other only to plaese Allah.

  2. I've been doing that my whole life and I've learnt that there is a limit to how much you should be willing to sacrifice. Afterall, Its you that has to live your life...

  3. In the afterlife yes. If you put up with things to keep someone happy is kind of like greater Jihad. You're having patience, you're thinking of others and being a god Muslim, you will be repayed in the afterlife with heaven. If you didn't care of other peoples happiness, imagine how much you'd get punished for all those people you've upset and made unhappy just so that you're happy for a short-lived moment.

    It's a form of Zakat too.

    For example, my gran is very very nasty to my mom, she's always trying to make her life h**l, My mom has always had patience, she just gets on with it tries to keep her happy still gives her a place at her home, I'm sure that deserves happiness in the afterlife.

  4. I don't think so, happiness comes from inside, but you definitely can't build your happiness om someone else's misfortune

  5. Perhaps in the short run you will learn to give. However in the long run you will end up resenting that person for all the "should haves" and "could haves" that you will be left with.

  6. No it leads to desperation and unhappiness.  It's okay to do things to make others happy, but not at the expense of losing your own happiness.  If you're not truly happy yourself then you can't really make others happy.  That's a hard lessen I learned a few years back when everything I did was to please my husband and child and I lost my own identity and was suffocating.  My unhappiness led to frustration and divorce.

  7. well if you do it happily then you're automatically happy... if you're totally selfless it might,,,

    probably if you totally love the person you're doing it for yes..

    but in the long run it might backfire..

    you know what they say... nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them..

    but it really might turn out ugly because automatically we expect others to be grateful or in a way be special for them.. and if it doesn't it hurts

    everyone should give what he can... what leads to true happiness is when you're not attached to worldy things and appreciate every single and simplest thing you have in your life.

  8. wont necessarily lead to true happiness. I guess this is a form of zakat.  It will increase your iman and your status in the eyes of Allah on conditions that u dont show it off and boast about it

  9. My answer ties in with the question you deleted, oddly enough.

    It is my belief, that true happiness cannot be attained without understanding true suffering first.

    That is all.

  10. Yes, it does...

    you will not want to sacrifice your happiness fr every one but for the one you love more than the happiness!

  11. NO! NO!NO! its your life,its the only one your going to have.Sounds like your dealing with a selfish person.Dump them out of your life like a hot rock and go to the beach and have some fun!

  12. not necessarily

  13. No, it leads to resentment and anger.

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