
Does school determine your life?

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Now that school is starting for me, my parents keep lecturing me about how school is so important and that I must score good on tests and have good grades. They make it seem like school determines my life. Does depending how well you do in school determine how you do in life?




  1. Amazingly yes. At least the exam results do. If you want to get into a good course for university or college if you're in America, work hard to get A's and B's. Also be nice to teachers so that you can call on them for recommendations for jobs. All ties back. If you don't want a big-paying job, then there's always the manual jobs. Or marry rich.

  2. It doesn't completely determine your life! Do your best and in the end it will be well worth it. Also, it isn't about the school it is about what you do when you get there. The people who make it far were not the ones who just sat there in school.

  3. No!  Statistics show that, on average, those who do well in school do better financially than those who don't.  However, that is only one aspect of a person's existence.  Getting a good education and doing well in school is no guarantee of a successful or happy life.  Nor does it alone make or break a person's fate in life.  What really determines how well one does in life is their character, not acquiring good grades nor scoring well on achievement tests.  There are plenty of people who have done well financially or otherwise who never completed high school or college.  Likewise, there are many people who complete graduate degrees whose lives are abysmal failures.  It just depends on how much determination one has to accomplish their goals, and how one goes about living their life.

  4. It sure didn't for me.

    I HATED school. It was horrible. I was teased something awful to the point where I skipped school. My self esteem is still very low due to the teasing. I skipped so much school I'd fail test yet some how was passed.

    I never did homework & rarely did well on test.

    I dropped out in 10th grade due to some issues I had. I had special permission from the state, therapists and stuff to take my GED early. I passed with flying colors.

    I got married at 18 to a man who was 26. We've been married 14yrs, 3 kids, I'm a Christian homeschooling mom.

    I love teaching my kids at home. I love learning with along with them and seeing their eyes light up when they learn. It's wonderful.

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