
Does school really matter?

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I'm going back to school tomorrow and i don't want to go, I'm really nervous i hate it so much,i like learning its just everyone in school is so fake and i have no real Friends in school they all go to different schools, i get so depressed when I'm there anyways i was just wondering how important is high school i have been excluded 10 times and missed out on alot of work, yet i am as smart as the other kids in my year i want to go to university and become a psychologist and move to America, is that possible if i drop out of high school, even if i stay at school would they let me into university if i have been excluded 10 times?




  1. Ignore the fake people at your school and focus on school.I'm in high school too (I'm a sophomore now). Think of high school as a career and just try to do your best. It's also proven that most kids who weren't very popular in school and were considered to be losers usually grow up to be more successful and even famous (a lot of the celebrities you seen in magazines and on TV who are envied by the fake "popular" kids in school             weren't very popular or well liked when they went to school.)

  2. Well yeah because if we didn't have school we all would be dum

  3. Hi!

    I'm coming to see my dad in scotland tomorrow! Small world! (Well not really, but still).

    Anyway, to your question. I've just moved school, and I'm dreading it too. But, unfortunately, it is important. What you can do depends on your school..........

    A friend of mine (before moving, don't really have friends now) couldn't stand the routine, and talked to the headteacher about organising half-days. She didn't suceed, but perhaps your school could create a more welcoming routine/learning exercises for you? If not, my old school took some of the more 'bad' pupils out of the classroom and they learnt (for some lessons a week) at a coffee bar that had computers and other facilities. Maybe your school has a similar scheme?

    Unfortunately, to go to uni you will need A levels (normally) - more school, like this (though probably abit better). Plus, uni itself. As disappointing as, these things and phsychology will take dedication and determination - try to think of sticking with high school as practice for this.

    It may also help to tell your teachers and/or family about this - they may have ideas to improve your school life.

    What have you been excluded for? As nerdy as it seems (i'm abit of a  boff, at least, by this towns standards) if you're punished for fighting or disrupting lessons or talking back to teachers or whatever, you won't get the best of the experience. My opinion is that (without friends really, like me at the mo cos of new school) the better you get on with teachers the better school is because you get more freedom. Example: I got away with walking out of a classroom. May not sound like much, but I apologised as I left and I wasn't told off at all because i was an otherwise good pupil, and my teacher understood i didnt leave to be bad i just really really needed the toilet and wouldn't wait. (sorry for details.) Try to be the best pupil you can for a while, see if your teachers don't seem so bad!

    Best of luck, sorry if this was waaayyy too long. Good luck. In short, sorry, it is important. At least for GCSE's - I get my first in PE tomorrow!! Eeek! (Did it early!).


  4. You know you need to stay in school, but there may be other ways to get through it better than what you're doing. Talk to an adult at the school & see what he/she could recommend you do. Talk to your parents. You can also consider a different school when all else fails. But don't quit altogether; nothing gets better after you quit.

  5. well, if you wanna go to university and become a psychologist then yes it does shouldn't let "fake people" stop you from living your life!!

  6. So what country are you in?

    You sound American. But you say you want to move to America, and talk about university?

    You have a decision to make. No, universities will not reject you just because you have been excluded. But they'll reject you if you know less and get worse results than the other kids who also want to study psychology. They don't care how smart you are - by 18 you've had plenty of chances to turn smart into effort and results. If you haven't bothered to do it by then, they'll simply assume you never will.

    Your life. You want to go to university, then go to school and work hard. The moment you hit 18, the adult world stops owing you anything at all. You'll only get given things you earn.

  7. im from england, and i know what u mean, school is a drag. however i'd stick at it. How about you take up a hobby at school so people will see you are something more. Also, you can do pshycology for a GCSE so i'd stick at it and keep going. Good luck for the future and i hope u get to america;)

  8. you shoud drop out i did and i am happy

  9. no you need school to get into a university but you might be able to do some courses on physiology

  10. no.. to put it bluntly they really wouldnt. u just gotta stick at it

  11. stay in school, you'll regret if you don't

  12. How horrid to hate school, somewhere you have to be every day. I had times when I despised school and everyone there. But - it is vital. You need to get through these school years in order to get in to university. Can't you change schools?

  13. Sorry but you make yourself sound a big headed smug intolerant disruptive little layabout who I would avoid anywhere let alone at school.  .

    1. Yes school does matter.

    2. If you are so smart how come you get excluded for bad behaviour. If you are that smart you would behave yourself.  

    3. How about getting down and making an effort to catch up.

    4. Stop messing about and prove yourself you will find the teaching staff will help you.    

    If you make the effort I wish you well  

  14. In the near future you will probably find out that grades and school have no relevance to the job you will have.

    In so many words... PROBABLY NOT.

  15. YESSS of course it is its the key to your future!

  16. school sucks!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. No one cares how smart you are, they only care if you've been to school.

  18. Big mistake.

    Keep going to school.

    It's gonna be EXTREMELY hard to go into a psychology major as a drop-out.

  19. See the Careers adviser ask her to help you move to another School

  20. Just ignore the "fake" people. Live for your dreams, not for other people who can stop you. Focus on your classes and if you don't find a friend on the first day, it's okay! You'll have many chances to talk to someone new like you!

    Good luck and don't stress too much about it!

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