
Does science for aura and chakras say something about reincarnation chanel in auric field?

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if we accept the reincarnation theory, could this also mean that in our aura there is a chanel/or point connected with the familial sheme in thepast/present/future

Did some author write on this?




  1. Uh, yeah dude, your reading a lot of BS books which are just written to make money from suckers who believe in some really stupid c**p.

    Look, Im not saying there arent mysteries in the universe, but auras dont reveal any secret information about your soul, nor can they be seen by the human eye.

    Chakras were just made up by people who want to make thier arts (which is primarily cold reading) seem legit and scientifically sound.

  2. You should really post in a religion forum.

  3. This probably belongs in Spirituality, rather than Science/Math. However, I'm not familiar with the idea you are suggesting, but it sounds a search online and see what you can find. That's how most people who answer questions on this site for others, find their info.

    Good luck ☺

  4. In some of the studies I took, it was said that in your aura, at the base of your neck (on the backside), is a portal that connects us to the universe and to other spiritual beings.  Also in the area of your solar plexus, you have a spiritual umbilical cord that connects you to the earth and earlthly beings.

    It depends on your belief of what time is whether or not these connections work with past/present/future. For example, do you believe that time is linear or cyclical, or something entirely different?

    I can't remember any specific books on the subject right now, but I will add them to my post if I can find them.

    Not sure I completely answered your question, but I hope it helped.


  5. The words "aura" or "chakra" don't belong anywhere near a sentence which includes the word "science", unless "science" is immediately preceded by the prefix, "pseudo".

    You're talking mumbo-jumbo there.

  6. Well this is an old theory that has been bounced around for at least 3-4,000 years in the Gangetic Plain. The idea that one life is linked to the next and so on can be seen in nature. A parent plant creates offspring' and that offspring does the same. It's not hard to extrapalate that when souls incarnate, there is something (symbolized as a seed) that carries to the new body elements from the old one.

  7. I have not specifically heard of any indications of previous incarnations in the aura, but I believe that the concept may have been explored by the Theosophists in the late 19th century.  The Theosophists spent a great amount of effort in mapping the non-physical bodies including the metaphysical and spiritual bodies.  A woman named Madam Blavatsky was a large part of this movement and you can find information about their work on the web or in libraries.  The work is dense and often not well expressed, but it was an attempt to be map the non-physical forms in great detail.

    Though I have not had experience with a "reincarnation channel", I can verify that there is a pathway to your overspirit that maintains the memories of all of your previous lives.  The overspirit would also be the source of all familial connections in your lives.  The aura may not contain this information directly, but the information is accessible from the individual.

    There are some who would not call this science, but it is a concerted field of study with serious investigators.  Being a science that is not completely based in the physical world, it is difficult to use physical methods to present proof.  The same could be said about much psychology and sociology, and yet, those studies are widely excepted as social sciences.

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