
Does science & technology make man kind lazy?

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im asked to speak on this topic! help me plz.........




  1. Of course. Laziness is the mother of invention.

    If you prefer to live in a cave and eat only what you can find or catch today, to ahead.  

  2. Yes. All the things that used to make us fit and outgoing were things like walking to the market, but now we drive or ride to the market. We use computers, phones to contact people when before we used to actually go face to face to talk to them. Before iPods and steros people used to make their own music with instruments but know it's all digital. Everything that the technology has done was make our lives seem easy but not in a very good healthy state. Also the remote for the TV is a example, so that you don't go up to the TV and change the channel. =)

    I hope there will be things to STOP us from being lazy.

  3. yup its true...every thing in world has its pros and it s up to us to decide in wat level we use these technology.....we should not totally depend on technology for everything....sometimes we shd go for traditional way also...

  4. Yes. However, it provides much needed relief for womankind due to sometimes lazy mankind. :-)

  5. Yes and no. Science and techno can make him just sit down and say commands to a robotish piece of junk but then think of that new invention that was on Discovery Channel, to be able to turn on the TV you have to put on some special jogging shoes and run two kilometers to watch the Tv for two hours. A fat burner and an entertainer! Wadayousay?  

  6. Very good question...yeah absolutely, There is a kind of lazy pleasure in useless and out-of-the-way erudition

  7. If you consider evolution, yes it does.

    It's mainly because as man has evolved into different types of commodities(yes, those are the main purpose of all mankind inventions),

    he has lost the need and thus the interest for his primordial way of struggling for the fulfillment of needs.

    The fact that some people try to keep fit and look good is linked to our instinctual desire to choose our mating partner as being the one most likely to be able to provide/cater to offspring, insuring the legacy of the species, tribe, family, own individual.

    Apart form that, most things we create induce the idea that our own instincts are bad, and that we should gover our lives through thinking and not through what is written in our subconscious.

  8. Yes, look at all the fat asses out there!!

  9. No, do u think the same having cell phone.

  10. Big nooooo!

  11. Yes very much!

  12. ofcourse mankind do because now u just sit and do work and there is no physically exercise to the body

  13. yeah

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