
Does scrying work?

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does scrying really work and if so how do you scry with water




  1. Get a dark bowl and add water. Light a candle or two if you're going to do this at night. Add a few drops of oil to the bowl. Focus on the surface of the water. Do not stare. Let your eyes be "soft" Some people begin to "see" images right away, for others it takes time. Don't get discouraged. Remember what you see and write it down. You can find general interpretations online or in books but the images are likely to have special meaning for you. As you keep practicing, you'll have a better understanding.

    Adam. Scrying works. You should understand exactly what it is before you criticize it.

  2. Check out Nostradamus. . . .he used a bowl of water for scrying. . We all know about his predictions.. . does it work. . .I guess if you are gifted, it does ! !
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