
Does selecting a Christian Extremist like Palin mean a return of the Good Old Religion Republican Party?

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No Kevin, I mean extremist quite sincerely after reading comments that she has made.




  1. Does abusing the word Christian Extremist and making it apply to her help your cause or just add more closed-mindedness and misunderstanding to an already turbulent national discussion of the place religion has in politics?  Does over using the word extremist make it a bland term that people will no longer take seriously when used sincerely?  Are you lashing out at Christians because you feel that you need a scapegoat for America's problems, refusing to take any blame based on your beliefs or lifestyle?

  2. Now, now. Relax and take your Prozac. No one is going to force any religion on you, though you could use some.

  3. Not "return".

    Bush is a Christian fundamentalist.

    The Republicans were taken over by them. It used to be a great American party.

  4. Far from it.  McCain is channeling Reagan's 1980s opponents.

    Mondale/Ferraro 2

  5. No, where did you get that cool-aid?

    One too many hits from the bong for sure.

    What sort of things has she said?

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