
Does s***n have protein in it? If so how much? ?

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Does s***n have protein in it? If so how much? ?




  1. you know what? it doesnt matter. if you want to eat it, go for it.

  2. little 78 done said it all!

  3. It contains a lot of proteins, mostly in the form of enzymes (which are proteins that catalyze chemical reactions, making them happen more quickly)

    I don't know what amount exactly...  

  4. s***n Content

    ascorbic acid (vitamin C, for tissue maintenance)

    blood-group antigens (from immune system)

    calcium (mineral)

    chlorine (oxidizing agent)

    cholesterol (steroid alcohol present in body fluids)

    chlorine (base, part of the vitamin B complex)

    citric acid (occurs during cellular metabolism)

    creatine (nitrogenous substance found in muscle)

    deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

    fructose (sugar used for energy)

    glutathione (peptide amino acid)

    Glycoproteins (cancer fighting agent)

    hyaluronidase (enzyme)

    inositol (sugar found in muscles)

    lactic acid (byproduct of muscle use)

    magnesium (mineral)

    nitrogen (gas found in all living tissue)

    phosphorus (mineral)

    prostaglandins (good for pregnancy)

    potassium (mineral)

    purine (compound of uric acid)

    pyrimidine (organic base)

    pyruvic acid (formed from either glucose or glycogen)

    selenium (cancer fighting agent)

    sodium (salt)

    sorbitol (body alcohol)

    spermidine (catalytic enzyme)

    spermine (ammonia compound found in sperm)

    urea (from urine)

    uric acid (from urine)

    vitamin B12 (for proper function of nervous system and metabolism)

    zinc (mineral)

    s***n Characteristics

    Volume (ml) > or = 2

    pH 7.2-8.0

    Sperm concentration (M/ml) > or = 20

    Total sperm count (M/ejaculate) > or = 40

    Morphology (% normal) > or = 30

    Vitality (% live) > or = 75

    WBC (M/ml) <1.0

    Immunobead test (%sperm with beads) < or = 10 <20

    MAR test (%sperm with RBCs) <10

    Calorie equivalent in ejaculate 9 calories

    Motility Within 1h of ejaculation

    class a (%) > or = 25

    classes a and b (%) > or = 50

    Neutral alpha-glucosidase (mU/ejaculate) > or = 20

    Total zinc (µmol/ejaculate) > or = 2.4

    Total citric acid (µmol/ejaculate) > or = 52

    Total acid phosphates (U/ejaculate) > or = 200

    Total Fructose (µmol/ejaculate) > or = 13

  5. We know you love your ***, but please eat something else...

  6. stick to   chicken beef or fish  

  7. helios has no ideal what he is talking about sperm has huge protein content in it.

  8. no

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