
Does sending a preschool age child to school sick or tired set them up to fail?

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There is no doubt in my mind that it does, but I need to find an study or professional opinion on the matter to bring to court with me to defend my 3 year olds absentees’ from preschool. He has filed a request to the courts that I should loose visitation during the school week because I kept him home when he had an ear infection. we didnt find out for sure that it was an ear infection until he went to the doctor 2 days later though. Please refure me to a study or professional opinion if you can.




  1. Well, most preschools won't allow you to bring your child in with a (real or suspected) ear infection, as it can be passed to the other children.  Each child is different - some are completely unable to focus when sick, and others barely notice it, so there probably isn't a formal study or anything like that.

    Your best bet would be to get ahold of the regulations at your son's preschool - I'd almost bet money that they have it in writing that your child is not to be brought in with a fever or if you suspect they have an illness that can be passed around.

    That's absurd that your ex is willing to take you to court about keeping your 3yo home sick.  Any parent with an ounce of common sense would keep a sick child home!

  2. Children who are ill I feel should be kept away from the setting because:

    -they will not be feeling amazingly happy and need the security of home and family.

    -Child will not achieve if they are anxious about pain they are in.

    -Child may be grizzly and disruptive to rest of setting.

    I suppose you could look upa

    Every Child Matters and Children's  Act

    National Care Standards

    UN convention on the rights of the child Article 14!

    You may wish to speak to local education authority if you are going through legal proceedings. Also it does depend on circumstances eg: how often he's away as if ear infection is reoccuring you need to ask yourself why, if he is ill regularly is he getting diet, rest etc that he needs is he around a lot of cigarette smoke, cold rooms etc! Without knowing your child and situation its hard to give you more information!

  3. A child  won`t always fail work for sickness but letting them go to school while they have a condition can greatly effect their focus, so it is not a good idea in my opinion.

    With an ear infection he could also be hard of hearing so you want to use that excuse to your advantage.

    They should be understanding if your child has a problem.

  4. Is preschool mandatory where you live? In the US you are not required to enroll a student until age 6. Additionally, a doctor's note should take care of any questions from school administration.

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